Research publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1321-1340 of 23694
‘Innovation in the Arts in Therapy’: A Special Issue
(2023-05-09)The editorial overview provides the background and rationale for this Special Issue. Collaboration, innovation and integration are themes that are introduced and developed to provide the context in which the contributors ... -
Electron density mapping of boron clusters via convolutional neural networks to augment structure prediction algorithms
(2023-10-19)Determination and prediction of atomic cluster structures is an important endeavor in the field of nanoclusters and thereby in materials research. To a large extent the fundamental properties of a nanocluster are mainly ... -
Efficacy of different inoculum forms of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2 2IIIB for resistance screening of sugar beet varieties
(2023-11-30)Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is one of the major sugar sources in the world. Rhizoctonia solani causes damping-off and crown and root rot that can result in significant yield and economic losses. R. solani AG 2–2 IIIB is ... -
Could Cariprazine Be a Possible Choice for High Functioning Autism? A Case Report
(2023-12-01)This case report was conducted by searching for the following keywords on PubMed: High Functioning Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, cariprazine, aripiprazole, partial agonist antipsychotic, DRD2/DRD3. High Functioning ... -
Two-Level Reinforcement Learning Framework for Self-Sustained Personal Robots
(Springer Nature Link, 2023-12-03)As social robots become integral to daily life, effective battery management and personalized user interactions are crucial. We employed Q-learning with the Miro-E robot for balancing self-sustained energy management and ... -
Parallel Image Encryption Algorithm Using Partitioned Cellular Automata on Graphic Processor Unit
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023-07-27)Image encryption is a reliable method for securely transmitting images over a network. The time required to encrypt and decrypt an image in online applications is also very important. Although cellular automata cryptography ... -
RECOMM. Measuring resilient communities: An analytical and predictive tool
(2023-09-30)We present initial findings of our project RECOMM: an analytical tool that evaluates the resilience of urban areas. The tool utilises Deep Neural Networks to identify characteristics of resilience and assigns a resilience ... -
Understanding factors influencing the implementation of medicine risk communications by healthcare professionals in clinical practice: a systematic review using the Theoretical Domains Framework
(2023-10-18)Background Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are known to cause hospitalisation, longer hospital stays, as well as higher healthcare costs and mortality. Unrecognised ADRs are anticipated throughout the medicine lifecycle as, ... -
Autapses enable temporal pattern recognition in spiking neural networks
(BioRxiv, 2023-11-17)Most sensory stimuli are temporal in structure. How action potentials encode the information incoming from sensory stimuli remains one of the central research questions in neuroscience. Although there is evidence that the ... -
Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Based Antenna and Array by Exciting both Even and Odd Mode Resonances
(2023-11-30)Spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SSPPs) based antenna and array by exciting both even and odd mode resonances are developed and investigated in this paper. Different from others’ work and for the first time, we use the ... -
Shining light on an unspeakable crime: necrophilia and the need for legal reform
(2023-08-10)This article explores the current legal frameworks surrounding necrophilia in the United Kingdom. More specifically, it draws upon Aggrawal's [(2009). A new classification of necrophilia. Journal of Forensic and Legal ... -
The British Ju-jitsu Society and the influence of Kodokan Judo on early jujutsu in the U.K.
(2023-02-01)In the United Kingdom (U.K.) in the late Victorian and early Edwardian eras there was an explosion in the popularity of the Japanese martial art jujutsu, with seemingly invincible Japanese exponents touring and taking on ... -
The Role of Diet in the Management of Psoriasis: A Scoping Review
(2023-09-20)Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic, immune-mediated, inflammatory skin disease associated with significant comorbidities. Globally, there are an estimated 60 million people living with psoriasis (PLwP). There is a growing ... -
The cosmic build-up of dust and metals : Accurate abundances from GRB-selected star-forming galaxies at 1.7 < z < 6.3
(2023-11-15)The chemical enrichment of dust and metals in the interstellar medium of galaxies throughout cosmic time is one of the key driving processes of galaxy evolution. Here we study the evolution of the gas-phase metallicities, ... -
Protocol for a realist evaluation of Recovery College dementia courses: understanding coproduction through ethnography
(2023-12-07)Introduction: Support following a dementia diagnosis in the UK is variable. Attending a Recovery College course with and for people with dementia, their supporters and healthcare professionals (staff), may enable people ... -
The high energy X-ray probe ( HEX-P ): studying extreme accretion with ultraluminous X-ray sources
(2023-11-27)Introduction: Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) represent an extreme class of accreting compact objects: from the identification of some of the accretors as neutron stars to the detection of powerful winds travelling at ... -
Efficient qPCR estimation and discrimination of airborne inoculum of Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa, the causal organisms of phoma leaf spotting and stem canker of oilseed rape : qPCR detection of Leptosphaeria airborne inoculum
(2023-12-06)BACKGROUND: Detection of the inoculum of phytopathogens greatly assists in the management of diseases, but is difficult for pathogens with airborne fungal propagules. Here, we present experiments to determine the abundance ... -
A critical review of digital technology innovations for early warning of water-related disease outbreaks associated with climatic hazards
(2024-01-01)Water-related climatic disasters pose a significant threat to human health due to the potential of disease outbreaks, which are exacerbated by climate change. Therefore, it is crucial to predict their occurrence with ... -
FDA Medical Device Warning Letters and Trends Pre and Post COVID 2013-2022
(2023-11-08)The United States Food & Drug Administration requires under Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR) Part 820.100, that medical device manufacturers must establish a system to address Corrective And Preventive ...