Research publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1341-1360 of 23694
Challenges Accessing Physical Activity from a Transgender Perspective: A Systematic Review
(2022-09-01)The gender-diverse community faces numerous barriers that make physical activity difficult to access, meaning they are less physically active than their cisgender counterparts, compounding the existing health and wellbeing ... -
WHO AWaRe Classification for Antibiotic Stewardship: Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance - A Descriptive Study from an English NHS Foundation Trust Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(2023-12-11)Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a silent and rapidly escalating pandemic, presenting a critical challenge to global health security. During the pandemic, this study was undertaken at a NHS Foundation Trust in the United ... -
Ethnic identity and wellbeing in the lives of third-generation British Bangladeshi adults: Finding a ‘sense of belonging’
(2022-06-08)This study investigated third generation Bangladeshi adults’ experiences of ethnic identity (EI) and sense of wellbeing. British citizens from racially minoritised backgrounds, such as British Bangladeshis, face numerous ... -
Psychometric properties of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) across cross-cultural subgroups, genders, and sexual orientations: Findings from the International Sex Survey (ISS)
(2023-11-30)INTRODUCTION: Despite being a widely used screening questionnaire, there is no consensus on the most appropriate measurement model for the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Furthermore, there have been ... -
Psychosocial interventions for survivors of rape and sexual assault experienced during adulthood (Review)
(2023-10-05)Background: Exposure to rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse has lifelong impacts for mental health and well-being. Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing ... -
AALLA: Attack-Aware Logical Link Assignment Cost-Minimization Model for Protecting Software-Defined Networks against DDoS Attacks
(2023-11-02)Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which is used in Industrial Internet of Things, uses a controller as its “network brain” located at the control plane. This uniquely distinguishes it from the traditional networking ... -
Evaluation of Soil Suppressiveness of Various Japanese Soils against the Soybean Cyst Nematode Heterodera glycines and Its Relation with the Soil Chemical and Biological Properties
(2023-11-16)This study aimed to evaluate the suppressive potential of different soils on soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) and to estimate the suppressive mechanism. Fifteen soils (designated as soil A to O) from different agricultural ... -
Characterizing the Vibration Responses of Flexible Workpieces during the Turning Process for Quality Control
(2023-11-23)Featured Application: This study represents a breakthrough in the engineering of turning processes for manufacturing. By examining dynamic properties and vibration response during turning, it provides key insights for ... -
The Possible Role of Prescribing Medications, Including Central Nervous System Drugs, in Contributing to Male-Factor Infertility (MFI): Assessment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Pharmacovigilance Database
(2023-12-31)Background: A wide range of medications may have a possible role in the development of male-factor infertility (MFI), including various antineoplastic agents, testosterone/anabolic steroids, immunosuppressive drugs/immun ... -
Enhancing Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings with Novel Functionalised MWCNTs-Enhanced Phase Change Materials: Towards Efficient and Stable Solutions
(2024-01-01)Phase change materials (PCMs) are a promising panacea to tackle the intermittency of renewable energy sources, but their thermal performance is limited by low thermal conductivity (TC). This pioneering work investigates ... -
Problematising entanglement fetishism in IR: On the possibility of being without being in relation
(2023-08-23)The following article seeks to question the deterministic tinge behind entanglement fetishism, namely the celebratory, uninhibited, and totalising projection of the world as a relational wholeness. Alongside the rise of ... -
Work on through the storm : Platform work in the pandemic
(2023-11-28)Drawing on quantitative and qualitative research in England, and more specifically in London, this article sheds light on trends in platform work during the COVID-19 crisis. While the number of platform workers grew, the ... -
Post-Operative Thoracic Epidural Analgesia and Incidence of Major Complications according to Specific Safety Standardized Documentation: A Large Retrospective Dual Center Experience
(2023-11-29)(1) Background: Thoracic epidural analgesia is considered the gold standard in post-operative pain management following thoracic surgery. This study was designed to explore the safety of thoracic epidural analgesia and to ... -
Polish topologies on endomorphism monoids of relational structures
(2023-10-15)In this paper we present general techniques for characterising minimal and maximal semigroup topologies on the endomorphism monoid End(A) of a countable relational structure A. As applications, we show that the endomorphism ... -
Plausible association of distant late M dwarfs with low-frequency radio emission
(2023-10-17)We present the serendipitous discovery of eight distant (> 50 pc) late M dwarfs with plausible associated radio emission at 144 MHz. The M-dwarf nature of our sources has been confirmed with optical spectroscopy performed ... -
Physical Activity in Adults with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: A Large Cross-Sectional Survey Exploring Patterns, Preferences, Barriers, and Motivating Factors
(2023-01-31)Adults with severe mental ill health may have specific attitudes toward physical activity. To inform intervention development, we conducted a survey to assess the physical activity patterns, preferences, barriers, and ... -
The impact of supernova feedback on the mass-metallicity relations
(2024-01-01)Metallicity is a fundamental physical property that strongly constrains galaxy formation and evolution. The formation of stars in galaxies is suppressed by the energy released from supernova explosions and can be enhanced ... -
Implementing a Novel Team Performance Profiling Activity with Young Athletes
(2023-07-05)Performance profiling is a widely used assessment and monitoring method within the field of sport psychology. As a client-centered tool, it helps athletes, coaches, and practitioners identify the characteristics perceived ...