Now showing items 1421-1440 of 23694

    • Introduction to the Selected Writings of Jan Patočka 

      Plunkett, Erin (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022-04-21)
    • Hands at home? Textures, tactility and touch in interior design 

      Lees-Maffei, Grace (Manchester University Press, 2023-09-30)
      This chapter explores the mutually constitutive relationships between touch and interior design for the home, in an analysis attentive to modernisms and mediation. The phrase ‘home comforts’ indicates that the home is not ...
    • Improving Public Engagement with Ethical Complexities of Assistive Robots 

      Menon, Catherine; Carta, Silvio; Foerster, Frank; Holthaus, Patrick (Springer Nature Link, 2023-08-24)
      In order for society to fully realise the potential benefits offered by assistive robots, a number of ethical challenges must firstly be addressed. Crucially, it is important to enhance public understanding of the ways in ...
    • Insights into software development approaches: mining Q &A repositories 

      Khan, Arif Ali; Khan, Javed Ali; Akbar, Muhammad Azeem; Zhou, Peng; Fahmideh, Mahdi (2024-01)
      Context: Software practitioners adopt approaches like DevOps, Scrum, and Waterfall for high-quality software development. However, limited research has been conducted on exploring software development approaches concerning ...
    • Men's Sexual Health in Early Modern England 

      Evans, Jennifer (Amsterdam University Press, 2023-11-13)
      How did men cope with sexual health issues in early modern England? This vivid and engaging history investigates how sexual, reproductive, and genitourinary conditions were understood between 1580 and 1740. Drawing on ...
    • British trade unionism in the 1980s reassessed. Are recurring assumptions about union membership and strikes flawed? 

      Blissett, Ed (2023-07-07)
      This article questions the hypothesis, put forward by several historians and IR academics, that the 1980s decline in British union membership and strike frequency, was driven by major industrial defeats, a cultural shift ...
    • Pregnancy and New Motherhood in Prison 

      Abbott, Laura; Baldwin, Lucy (Bristol University Press, 2023-11-30)
      Incorporating the authentic voices and real-life experiences of women, this ground-breaking book focuses on pregnancy and new motherhood in UK prisons. The book delves critically and poignantly into the criminal justice ...
    • Confirmation of a new resonance in 26Si and contribution of classical novae to the galactic abundance of 26Al 

      Canete, L.; Doherty, D. T.; Lotay, G.; Seweryniak, D.; Campbell, C. M.; Carpenter, M. P.; Catford, W. N.; Chipps, K. A.; Henderson, J.; Izzard, R. G.; Janssens, R. V. F.; Jayatissa, H.; José, J.; Kennington, A. R. L.; Kondev, F. G.; Korichi, A.; Lauritsen, T.; Müller-Gatermann, C.; Paxman, C.; Podolyák, Zs.; Reed, B. J.; Regan, P. H.; Reviol, W.; Siciliano, M.; Wilson, G. L.; Yates, R.; Zhu, S. (2023-09-14)
      The 25Al(p ,γ ) reaction has long been highlighted as a possible means to bypass the production of 26Al cosmic γ rays in classical nova explosions. However, uncertainties in the properties of key resonant states in 26Si ...
    • The impossible, necessary outside of nature: a Luhmannian intervention into post-humanist ecology 

      Richter, Hannah (2023-07-23)
      In the wake of climate change, social theory has been subject to a surge of new materialist and posthuman approaches that reconfigure ontology and politics beyond the modern nature/culture binary which the Anthropocene has ...
    • Low-Dose Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events Comparing East Asians With Westerners: A Meta-Analysis 

      Kim, Rock Bum; Li, Ang; Park, Ki-Soo; Kang, Yune-Sik; Kim, Jang-Rak; Navarese, Eliano P; Gorog, Diana; Tantry, Udaya S.; Gurbel, Paul A; Hwang, Jin-Yong; Kwon, Oh-Young; Jeong, Young-Hoon (2023-09-12)
      Background East Asians have shown different risk profiles for both thrombophilia and bleeding than Western counterparts. Objectives The authors sought to evaluate the effect of low-dose aspirin for primary prevention between ...
    • Dual functional mesoporous silica colloidal electrolyte for lithium-oxygen batteries 

      Mu, Hailiang; Zhuge, Xiangqun; Ren, Guogang; Luo, Kun; Ding, Zhengping; Ren, Yurong; Luo, Zhihong; Bayati, Maryam; Xu, Ben Bin; Liu, Xiaoteng (2023-01-01)
      Dual functional mesoporous silica (mSiO2) colloidal electrolytes are promising to protect lithium anode and accelerate the reaction kinetics on cathode for lithium-oxygen batteries (LOBs). In this work, we achieved a ...
    • Legal and historical geographies of the Greenham Common protest camps in the 1980s 

      Navickas, Katrina (2023-10-30)
      This article examines the women's protest camps at RAF Greenham Common cruise missile base, Berkshire, England, between 1981 and 1990. Using new evidence from government correspondence in the Home Office archives, it argues ...
    • Chartist Studies and Malcolm Chase: a Re-appreciation 

      Navickas, Katrina (2023-11-17)
      Malcolm Chase (1957–2020) was the pre-eminent scholar of the Chartist democratic movement, and more broadly, of working-class political and social action in early nineteenth-century Britain. His work in many respects shaped ...
    • ALMA 400 pc Imaging of a z = 6.5 Massive Warped Disk Galaxy 

      Neeleman, Marcel; Walter, F.; Decarli, Roberto; Drake, Alyssa B.; Eilers, Anna-Christina; Meyer, Romain A.; Venemans, Bram P. (2023-12-01)
      We present 0.″075 (≈400 pc) resolution Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the [C ii] and dust continuum emission from the host galaxy of the z = 6.5406 quasar, P036+03. We find that the ...
    • Evolving Understandable Cognitive Models 

      Lane, Peter; Bartlett, Laura; Javed, Noman; Pirrone, Angelo; Gobet, Fernand (Applied Cognitive Science Lab, 2022-07-27)
      Cognitive models for explaining and predicting human performance in experimental settings are often challenging to develop and verify. We describe a process to automatically generate the programs for cognitive models from ...
    • Genetic Programming for Developing Simple Cognitive Models 

      Bartlett, Laura; Pirrone, Angelo; Javed, Noman; Lane, Peter; Gobet, Fernand (Cognitive Science Society, 2023-07-29)
      Frequently in psychology, simple tasks that are designed to tap a particular feature of cognition are used without considering the other mechanisms that might be at play. For example, the delayed-match-to-sample (DMTS) ...
    • Building Amenity in Areas of Non-outstanding Natural Beauty in the Southern Pennines 

      Navickas, Katrina (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2023-06-08)
    • Benefiting from biomimicry through 3D printing to enhance mechanical properties of polymeric structures: Simulation approach 

      Jadav , K. C.; Ismail, S. O.; Oladapo, B. I. (2023-09-08)
      Numerous biological structures have intricate compositional arrangements, well-organised pieces and stronger mechanical qualities than the materials that make them up. Therefore, this study focused on enhancing the mechanical ...
    • The role of silicon as a nutrient/biostimulant in strawberries 

      Liu, Bo; Asiana, Carmilla; Wileman, H J; Jin, X.; Hall, Avice (2022-09-23)
      • All plants grown in soil contain silicon (Si) in their tissues, with concentrations that vary from 0.1% to 10% of their dry weight. • Si is referred to as “quasi-essential” for the growth of higher plants due to its ...
    • Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit based Beam Allocation in mmWave V2X Communication under Blockage 

      Kose, Abdulkadir; Lee, Haeyoung; Foh, Chuan Heng (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023-08-14)
      Due to its low latency and high data rates support, mmWave communication has been an important player for vehicular communication. However, this carries some disadvantages such as lower transmission distances and inability ...