Research publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1461-1480 of 23694
Drugs associated with prescribing errors in older patients in two English general practices
(2016-09-01)Medication errors have the potential to cause patient morbidityand mortality, and increase pressure on healthcare. Studies haveindicated that older patients may be more susceptible tosignificant risks of harm from prescribing ... -
Evaluation of a clinical pharmacy programme Japan-UK collaboration
(2016-08-28)The development of Clinical Pharmacy in the United Kingdom (UK) has been established since the 1980's. The concept of pharmaceutical care has developed over the past 30 years and more recently the pharmacists role in ... -
VVV-WIT-12 and Its Fashionable Nebula: A 4 yr Long-period Young Stellar Object with a Light Echo?
(2023-11-14)We report the serendipitous discovery of VVV-WIT-12, an unusual variable source that seems to induce variability in its surrounding nebula. The source belongs to the rare objects that we call WITs (short for What Is This?) ... -
Towards the Resolution of Safety and Security Conflicts
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022-02-25)Safety engineering and cyber security have complementary aims, but typically realise these using different techniques, risk assessment methods and cultural approaches. As a result, the integration of safety and cyber ... -
Can massive stars form in low mass clouds?
(2023-11-01)The conditions required for massive star formation are debated, particularly whether massive stars must form in conjunction with massive clusters. Some authors have advanced the view that stars of any mass (below the total ... -
ML-based estimation of the number of devices in industrial networks using unlicensed bands : (Best workshop paper)
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022-10-21)Advanced automation is being adopted by manu-facturing facilities and wireless technologies are set to be a key component in driving the factories of the future. It is expected that private cellular networks and WLAN ... -
Connecting the Dots: Measuring Effectiveness and Affectiveness in Software Systems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017-06-29)The summary presented in this paper highlights the results obtained in a four-years project aiming at analyzing the development process of software artifacts from two points of view: Effectiveness and Affectiveness. The ... -
Teaching for Urbanism: a didactical experience in a newly academicized area
(University of Western Australia, 2011-07-08)This paper describes a didactical experience in the Masters course of the Department of Urbanism of the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and issues related to the academicization of its curriculum. Although ... -
Talking and making meaning about parental mental health problems: the role of children’s family caregivers
(2023-08-28)When a parent is less able to meet their children's needs due to a severe and enduring mental health problem (MHP), other adult family members often help with childcare. We present a Grounded Theory of how children's family ... -
Study on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of novel channels for printed circuit heat exchanger using supercritical CO2
(2023-11-01)Two new types of printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) channels are proposed based on the typical airfoil fin PCHE channel proposed in literatures (standard channel) to further improve the thermal-hydraulic performances ... -
Simba-c : An updated chemical enrichment model for galactic chemical evolution in the SIMBA simulation
(2023-10-30)We introduce a new chemical enrichment and stellar feedback model into GIZMO, using the SIMBA sub-grid models as a base. Based on the state-of-the-art chemical evolution model of Kobayashi et al., SIMBA-C tracks 34 elements ... -
Observing Longitudinal Physical Activity and Sitting Patterns Throughout COVID-19 Restrictions Amongst UK Adults
(2023-06-02)Purpose: The COVID-19 global pandemic presented an insight into observing the changes in physical activity (PA) and sitting patterns of free-living adults during a unique period of intermittent enforced home confinement ... -
What is a population-level approach to prevention, and how could we apply it to dementia risk reduction?
(2023-12-31)The World Health Organisation's 2022 ‘blueprint for dementia research’ highlights the need for more research into population-level risk reduction. However, definitions of population-level prevention vary, and application ... -
Immunosurveillance associated with upper respiratory symptoms in elite swimmers: 8-month period leading into Commonwealth Games
(2023-07-07)Most research suggests that a greater degree of immune suppression and subsequent increased illness risk occurs during winter and the heaviest training periods. Monitoring an individual’s change in salivary Immunoglobulin ... -
Alpha7 nicotinic receptor- mediated reduction of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in 6OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s Disease
(SAGE Publications, 2023-04-26)Introduction: In Parkinson’s Disease (PD) induction of involuntary movements (AIMs) or dyskinesia, after long-term L-DOPA therapy is a major problem. Evidence shows that nicotine can protect against nigrostriatal damage ... -
A new set of international Leptosphaeria maculans isolates as a resource for elucidation of the basis and evolution of blackleg disease on Brassica napus
(2024-01-30)A collection of isolates of the fungi Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa, which cause blackleg disease on Brassica napus (canola/oilseed rape) and other Brassicaceae species, was assembled to represent the global ... -
A critical review for the impact of anaerobic digestion on the sustainable development goals
(2024-01-01)Anaerobic Digestion (AD) technology emerges as a viable solution for managing municipal organic waste, offering pollution reduction and the generation of biogas and fertilisers. This study reviews the research works for ...