Research publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1481-1500 of 23694
Psychometric validation of the Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Diary and Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Impact Assessment in adults in the phase 3 ACTIVATE trial
(2023-11-09)Background: Pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency is a rare hereditary disorder characterized by chronic hemolytic anemia and serious sequalae which negatively affect patient quality of life. This study aimed to psychometrically ... -
Getting The Job Done: Using Authentic Assessment Techniques In Extra And Co-Curricular Activities (Eccas) To Improve Law Students’ Employability Prospects
(ISERD, 2016-01-03)Authentic assessments are closely aligned with activities that take place in real work settings, as distinct from theoften artificial constructs of University courses. While the traditional ‘paper-based’ assessment strategy ... -
Mrs Sarah Mayer, a black belt millionairess in 1930s Tokyo
(University of Chichester, 2017-03-29) -
Mobile application usability heuristics: Decoupling context-of-use
(Springer Nature, 2017-05-14)Context-of-use is a vital consideration when evaluating the usability of mobile applications. Thus, when defining sets of heuristics for the usability evaluation of mobile applications, a common practice has been to include ... -
Are Older Citizens Using the E-MOI portal in Saudi Arabia, Hail City: A Quantitative Study : Older Adults, web portals and Saudi Arabia
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017-10-06)ICT has been widely exploited as a powerful tool of development and prosperity. Therefore, Governments are increasingly moving their civil products and services online. However, there are several groups within societies ... -
Threat Analysis of Software Agents in Online Banking and Payments
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018-10-28)Software agents are the delegated subcontractors essential to connect the end-user to the bank and payment providers in a distributed service offering. This paper evaluates the key role that the different software agent ... -
Ethics and the Safety of Autonomous Systems
(Safety Critical Systems Club, 2018-02-06)The ethical landscape surrounding the introduction of autonomous vehicles is complex, and there are real concerns over whether the operational safety of these systems can be adequately demonstrated. In this paper we focus ... -
Water Absorption And Effect Of Temperature On The Characteristics Of Flax/Hemp Reinforced Composites
(2019-07-03)Composite are now accepted in various structural application; but the current emphasis has shifted towards environmental issues, which gives natural fibres the advantage as they are eco-friendly and biodegradable. This ... -
Zeitgesteuerte Kommunikationsschnittstellen in unterschiedlichen Anwendungskontexten
(Springer Nature, 2022-05-25)Zeitgesteuerte Kommunikationsprotokolle bieten eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen fu ̈r die Konstruktion von sicherheitskriti- schen Echtzeitapplikationen: der Nachrichtentransport ist zeitlich deter- miniert und die Realisierung ... -
Random Forest Feature Selection for Particulate Matter (PM10) Pollution Concentration
(Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 2021-07-08)There are already countless articles on strategies to limit human exposure to particulate matter10 (PM10) pollution because of their disastrous impact on the environment and people's well-being in the United Kingdom (UK) ... -
Scalable cell-free massive MIMO systems with hardware impairments
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020-10-08)Despite the deleterious effect of hardware impairments (HWIs) on wireless systems, most prior works in cell-free (CF) massive multiple-input-multiple-output (mMIMO) systems have not accounted for their impact. In particular, ... -
Traffic-Related Air Pollutant (TRAP) Prediction using Big Data and Machine Learning
(Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 2021-07-08)The negative impact of the Increasing air pollution on the global economy, quality of life of humans and health of animals and plants has been enormous. Several works of literature, reports and news around the world have ... -
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Live Action Role-Playing Games (LARP)
(2020-08-27)Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) games and similar experiences are becoming a popular game genre. Here, we discuss how artificial intelligence techniques, particularly those commonly used in AI for Games, could be applied ... -
Monitoring dust particle orientation with measurements of sunlight dichroic extinction
(2021-09-29)Alignment of irregularly shaped dust aerosols leading to linear dichroism has been reported in atmospheric layers. The present study intents to quantify the excess linear polarization of direct solar radiation propagating ... -
Machine Learning Recognition Models in Construction: A Systematic Review
(Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 2021-07-08)Due to its growing acceptance and success in many sectors, there is a rapidly rising adoption and application of machine learning recognition models within construction. As a result of this adoption and usage surge, there ... -
Robot house human activity recognition dataset
(EPSRC UK-RAS Network, 2021-07-15)Human activity recognition is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision. State-of-the art approaches such as deep learning techniques thereby often rely on large labelled datasets of human activities. However, ... -
(Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2023-06-20)Objective. In judo, highly skilled judokas pose a higher bilateral quality of arm and leg movements. This study aimed to examine the quality of bilateral throw execution of the selected Ashi-Waza (leg throwing) techniques ... -
(Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2023-06-20)Objective. Judo is supposed to represent a sports discipline that symmetrically develops both sides of the human body. This study aimed to review the literature on morphological (a)symmetries in judo. Methods. The literature ... -
Thermoreversible gels for the encapsulation of macrophages: evaluation of polymer type on rheology and cytocompatibility
(2023-11-02)Thermoresponsive polymers have become a highly sought-after “smart material” due to their ability to modify their physical characteristics due to temperature changes. This research aimed to determine the biocompatibility ... -
Applied Methods to Assess the Antimicrobial Activity of Metallic-Based Nanoparticles
(2023-10-28)With the rise of antibiotic resistance, the drive to discover novel antimicrobial substances and standard testing methods with the aim of controlling transmissive diseases are substantially high. In healthcare sectors and ...