Now showing items 14521-14540 of 24473

    • Molecular cloning and characterisation of the two DNA components of tomato golden mosaic virus 

      Bisaro, D.M.; Hamilton, W.D.O.; Coutts, Robert H.A.; Buck, K.W. (1982-08-25)
      We report the molecular cloning of the tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) genome in the E. coli plasmid pAT 153. The results of this work conclusively show that TGMV DNA consists of two components (designated A and B) of ...
    • Molecular Cloud Cores with High Deuterium Fraction : Nobeyama Single-Pointing Survey 

      Kim, Gwanjeong; Tatematsu, Kenichi; Liu, Tie; Yi, Miss Hee-Weon; He, Jinhua; Hirano, Naomi; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Choi, Minho; Sanhueza, Patricio; Toth, L. Viktor; Evans, Neal J.; Feng, Siyi; Juvela, Mika; Kim, Kee-Tae; Vastel, Charlotte; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Nguyn-Lu'o'ng, Quang; Kang, Miju; Ristorcelli, Isabelle; Fehér, O.; Wu, Yuefang; Ohashi, Satoshi; Wang, Ke; Kandori, Ryo; Hirota, Tomoya; Sakai, Takeshi; Lu, Xing; Thompson, Mark A.; Fuller, Gary A.; Li, Di; Shinnaga, Hiroko; Kim, Jungha (2020-08-12)
      We present the results of a single-pointing survey of 207 dense cores embedded in Planck Galactic Cold Clumps distributed in five different environments ($\lambda$ Orionis, Orion A, B, Galactic plane, and high latitudes) ...
    • Molecular Cloud Evolution VI. Measuring cloud ages 

      Vázquez-Semadeni, Enrique; Zamora-Avilés, Manuel; Galván-Madrid, Roberto; Forbrich, Jan (2018-09-21)
      In previous contributions, we have presented an analytical model describing the evolution and star formation rate (SFR) of molecular clouds (MCs) undergoing hierarchical gravitational contraction. The cloud’s evolution is ...
    • The Molecular Clouds of M31 

      Lada, Charles J.; Forbrich, Jan; Petitpas, Glen; Viaene, Sebastien (2024-05-08)
      Deep interferometric observations of CO and dust continuum emission are obtained with the Submillimeter Array at 230 GHz to investigate the physical nature of the giant molecular cloud (GMC) population in the Andromeda ...
    • Molecular clumps in the W51 giant molecular cloud 

      Parsons, H.; Thompson, M.A.; Clark, J.S.; Chrysostomou, A. (2012-08-01)
      In this paper, we present a catalogue of dense molecular clumps located within the W51 giant molecular cloud (GMC). This work is based on Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme 13CO J = 3–2 observations of the W51 GMC and ...
    • Molecular data reveal a cryptic species within the Culex pipiens mosquito complex 

      Dumas, Emilie; Atyame, Célestine M.; Malcolm, Colin A.; Le Goff, Gilbert; Unal, Sandra; Makoundou, Patrick; Pasteur, Nicole; Weill, Mylène; Duron, Olivier (2016-12-01)
      The Culex pipiens mosquito complex is a group of evolutionarily closely related species including the common house mosquito, Cx. pipiens, and the southern house mosquito, Cx. quinquefasciatus, which both are infected by ...
    • Molecular Diagnostics 

      Rapley, Ralph; Walker, Matthew R. (Blackwell Scientific, 1993)
    • Molecular diagnostics for fungal plant pathogens 

      McCartney, H. A.; Foster, S. J.; Fraaije, B. A.; Ward, Elaine (2003-02)
      Accurate identification of fungal phytopathogens is essential for virtually all aspects of plant pathology, from fundamental research on the biology of pathogens to the control of the diseases they cause. Although molecular ...
    • A molecular dynamic investigation of viscosity and diffusion coefficient of nanoclusters in hydrocarbon fluids 

      Loya, Adil; Stair, Jacqueline L.; Jafri, Ali R.; Yang, Ke; Ren, Guogang (2015-03)
      Straight chain alkanes modified by metal oxide nanoclusters have gained wide recognition in applications in tribology, energy and thermal storage. This paper investigates the system’s rheological properties and diffusion ...
    • Molecular dynamic simulations of ocular tablet dissolution 

      Ru, Qian; Fadda, Hala; Li, Chung; Paull, Daniel; Khaw, Sir Peng; Brocchini, Stephen; Zloh, Mire (2013-11)
      Small tablets for implantation into the sub-conjunctival space in the eye are being developed to inhibit scarring after glaucoma filtration surgery (GFS). There is a need to evaluate drug dissolution at the molecular level ...
    • A molecular dynamics simulation of liquid-vapour-solid system near triple-phase contact line of flow boiling in a microchannel 

      Ji, C.Y.; Yan, Y.Y. (2008-02-01)
      In this paper, the liquid-vapour-solid system near triple-phase contact line in a microchannel heat sink is studied numerically. Molecular dynamics (MD) method is employed aiming to get a microscopic insight into the complex ...
    • Molecular dynamics simulation on surface modification of quantum scaled CuO nano-clusters to support their experimental studies 

      Loya, Adil; Stair, Jacqueline; Uddin, Farid; Ren, Guogang (2022-10-05)
      Interest in nanoparticle modification using functional chemicals has increased rapidly, as it allows more freedom of physiochemical tuning of the nanoparticle’s surface into biomedically oriented and designated properties. ...
    • Molecular dynamics simulation study of rheological properties of CuO–water nanofluid 

      Loya, Adil; Ren, Guogang (2015-06-01)
      Nanoparticle (NP) dispersion in engineering fluids holds significant characteristics that impact the quality and performance of liquid fluidic systems, like in biomedical fluids, contaminated water system, heat and energy ...
    • Molecular dynamics simulations of proteins with chemically modified disulfide bonds 

      Godwin, A.; Pedone, E.; Balan, S.; Jumnah, R.; Brocchini, S.; Choi, J.-W.; Shaunak, S.; Zloh, Mire (2007-02)
      Proteins that are used as therapeutic drugs act in the extracellular microenvironment. They usually have a small number of intramolecular disulfide bonds to help maintain their tertiary structure in the vascular circulation. ...
    • Molecular Engines, Therapeutic Targets, and Challenges in Pediatric Brain Tumors: A Special Emphasis on Hydrogen Sulfide and RNA-Based Nano-Delivery 

      Fahmy, Sherif Ashraf; Dawoud, Alyaa; Zeinelabdeen, Yousra Ahmed; Kiriacos, Caroline Joseph; Daniel, Kerolos Ashraf; Eltahtawy, Omar; Abdelhalim, Miriam Mokhtar; Braoudaki, Maria; Youness, Rana A. (2022-10-26)
      Pediatric primary brain tumors represent a real challenge in the oncology arena. Besides the psychosocial burden, brain tumors are considered one of the most difficult-to-treat malignancies due to their sophisticated ...
    • The molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in inner London 

      Hayward, A.C.; Goss, S.; Dobniewski, F.; Saunders, N.; Shaw, R.J.; Goyal, Madhu; Swan, A.; Uttley, A.; Pozniak, A.; Grace-Parker, J.; Watson, J.M. (2002)
    • Molecular Forensics 

      Rapley, Ralph; Whitehouse, David (Wiley, 2007)
    • Molecular gas and star formation in local early-type galaxies 

      Bureau, M.; Davis, T.A.; Cappellari, M.; Davies, R.L.; Scott, N.; Alatalo, K.; Blitz, L.; Crocker, A.F.; Young, L.M.; Combes, F.; Bois, M.; Emsellem, E.; Lablanche, P.-Y.; Bournaud, F.; De Zeeuw, P.T.; Krajnović, D.; Kuntschner, H.; Duc, P.-A.; Khochfar, S.; McDermid, R.M.; Morganti, R.; Oosterloo, T.; Serra, P.; Naab, T.; Sarzi, M.; Weijmans, A. (2010-12-01)
      The molecular gas content of local early-type galaxies is constrained and discussed in relation to their evolution. First, as part of the ATLAS survey, we present the first complete, large (260 objects), volume-limited ...
    • Molecular Gas and Star Formation in nearby Disk Galaxies 

      Leroy, A. K.; Walter, F.; Sandstrom, K.; Schruba, A.; Munoz-Mateos, J-C.; Bigiel, F.; Bolatto, A.; Brinks, E.; de Blok, W.J.G.; Meidt, S.; Rix, H-W.; Rosolowsky, E.; Schinnerer, E.; Schuster, K-F.; Usero, A. (2013-08)
    • Molecular gas and star formation in the Tidal Dwarf Galaxy VCC 2062 

      Lisenfeld, U.; Braine, J.; Duc, P. A.; Boquien, M.; Brinks, E.; Bournaud, F.; Lelli, F.; Charmandaris, V. (2016-06-01)
      The physical mechanisms driving star formation (SF) in galaxies are still not fully understood. Tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs), made of gas ejected during galaxy interactions, seem to be devoid of dark matter and have a ...