Browsing by Title
Now showing items 10815-10834 of 24987
‘I am friends wt you & do Entertain no malice’: discord, disputes and defamation in Ulster Presbyterian church courts, c. 1700-1838.
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021-11-02)Following the example of its parent church in Scotland, the Presbyterian church courts in Ireland exercised control over all aspects of its members’ lives. The making of marriage, sexual conduct, family feuds, alcohol ... -
'I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself': the metafictional meanings of lycanthropic transformation in Doctor Who
(Manchester University Press, 2020-01-31)This chapter was developed from a paper ('I was a teenage Whovian but I'm all right now-eee-ooooooooo-ooo-eeh-yooooooooo: the metafictional meanings of lycanthropic transformation in Doctor Who') delivered at the Open ... -
“I am there just to get on with it”: a qualitative study on the labour of the patient and public involvement workforce
(2024-12-30)Background Workers tasked with specific responsibilities around patient and public involvement (PPI) are now routinely part of the organizational landscape for applied health research in the United Kingdom. Even as the ... -
I could be you : the phenomenological dimension of social understanding
(1997)This paper discusses the phenomenological dimension of social understanding. The author's general hypothesis is that complex forms of social understanding that biological agents especially humans show are based on two ... -
"I didn't come out to go back in the closet": ageing and end of life care for older LGBT people
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2018-09-19)This chapter presents a particular gap in knowledge concerning the end-of-life care needs and experiences in the lives of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. The major academic study relating to ... -
‘I don't know much about art, but I know what I like’ : Resonance, relevance and illumination as assessment criteria for marketing research and scholarship
(1999)Questions the processes and methodologies of marketing research. Challenges the “scientific” hypothetico-deductive approach and asserts that interpretative and qualitative methods provide a more worthwhile framework for ... -
'I don't think I ever had food poisoning' : A practice-based approach to understanding foodborne disease that originates in the home
(2015-02-01)Food stored, prepared, cooked and eaten at home contributes to foodborne disease which, globally, presents a significant public health burden. The aim of the study reported here was to investigate, analyse and interpret ... -
"I Don't Think That's Something I've Ever Thought About Really Before": A Thematic Discursive Analysis of Lay People's Talk about Legal Gender
(2023-03-23)This article examines three divergent constructions about the salience of legal gender in lay people’s everyday lives and readiness to decertify gender. In our interviews (and survey data), generally participants minimised ... -
“I don’t think they give a monkey’s about me” – Exploring stakeholder power and community alienation at Glastonbury Festival“
(Routledge, 2017-11-20)As one of the main stakeholders affected by music festivals, it is becoming more and more recognised that the needs of the host community need to be met and satisfied in order to ascertain their support for future music ... -
“I don’t want to say the wrong thing”: Mental health professionals’ narratives of feeling inadequately skilled when working with gender diverse adults
(2022-09-01)Trans, gender diverse and gender questioning adults are highly likely to experiencemental health difficulties, for multiple reasons including transphobia or minority stress.However, gender diverse adults often describe ... -
‘I enjoy learning’: developing early years practitioners’ identities as professionals and as professional learners
(2018-05-07)Emphasis on professionalisation of the childcare workforce internationally is associated with evidence that links education and experience of early years practitioners; quality of early education and care; and outcomes for ... -
'I Fall Down, I Get Up': Stories of Survival and Resistance Following Civil War in Sierra Leone
(University of Hertfordshire, 2013-10-21)The academic study of how people respond to adverse life experiences has been dominated by Western conceptualisations of distress, resilience and growth. The current literature base regarding responses to adversity has ... -
‘I feel weak, useless and dependent on others’ : South Asian patient experiences of haemodialysis
(2015-06-30)OBJECTIVE: Much of what is known about patient experiences of haemodialysis (HD) has been gleaned from research with White English speaking groups. People from South Asian backgrounds- originating from India, Pakistan and ... -
‘I have enjoyed teaching science more’: Changing the attitudes of primary teachers and pupils towards science
(2022-04-19)This article explores issues with primary science, changing attitudes towards primary science and the interrelationship between attitudes and experiences. It examines findings from research that investigated the views and ... -
‘I have told her that it was neglected, and asked her why’ : Working-class Women and Discourses of ‘Bad Motherhood’ in England and Wales, 1870–1939
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2024-11-04)On 20 November 1871, Susan King, aged 44, was tried at the Central Criminal Court in London for the manslaughter of Alice Butcher, a seven-month-old infant who had been left in her care. 1 The child’s mother, a single woman ... -
I hear what you say but I see what you mean : the role of gestures in children's pragmatic comprehension
(2011)This study investigated whether gesture can enhance the pragmatic comprehension of language impaired children. Language impaired children (N=21) and age matched typically developing children (N=26) were presented verbal ... -
I Killed my Child(ren): a Qualitative Study Exploring the Phenomenon of Paternal Filicide in the South African Context
(2018-06-21)The present research investigated paternal filicide in South Africa. It aimed to understand the factors underlying fathers killing their child/children. Study one explored paternal filicidal offenders’ processes of ...