Browsing by Title
Now showing items 18600-18619 of 25050
q-Deformed Supersymmetry and Dynamic Magnon Representations
(2007-04-17)It was recently noted that the dispersion relation for the magnons of planar N=4 SYM can be identified with the Casimir of a certain deformation of the Poincare algebra, in which the energy and momentum operators are ... -
A Q-learning-based smart clustering routing method in flying Ad Hoc networks
(2024-01)Flying ad hoc networks (FANETs) have particular importance in various military and civilian applications due to their specific features, including frequent topological changes, the movement of drones in a three-dimensional ... -
Qatar Interprofessional Health Council
(2012-01)The QIHC was formed in September 2009 by a small group of representatives from health care education and delivery institutions in Qatar who shared a common desire for the delivery of high quality interprofessional health ... -
Qatar welcomes the Extracorporeal Life Support Organisation South and West Asia Chapter 2017 Conference
(2017-02-14)Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS) is saving an increasing number of lives worldwide, 1 so it is a great pleasure to welcome for the first time in Qatar the South and West Asia Chapter (SWAC) of the Extracorporeal Life ... -
QoS aware MAC protocol for OFDMA-PON
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011)A quality of service (QoS) aware medium access control (MAC) protocol is presented for next generation OFDMA-PONs. The end-to-end delay and network throughput are investigated in the presence of class-of-service and ... -
QoS mapping for LTE backhauling over OFDMA-PONs
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012)This paper reports on the quality of service (QoS) mapping mechanisms for converged OFDMA-PON and LTE networks to satisfy the stringent QoS requirements. Various options for exhibiting QoS mapping between the LTE bearers ... -
QR codes in Engineering Laboratories –Improving Student Safety Engagement
(2021-05-01)Engineering is a practical discipline and laboratory work is a fundamental necessity of engineering curricula and majority of engineering modules run by universities have significant elements of practical work embedded in ... -
QRES, A QGIS plugin to calculate resilience based on proximity of urban resources
(Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya (Iaac), Spain, 2023-11-28)This study presents our latest development of a plugin for QGIS to help designers and planners to calculate resilience values for specific areas in urban contexts. Instead of radial distance, the proposed approach considers ... -
QSO winds and galaxy evolution
(American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2010)There exists a population of broad-line z~2 QSOs which have heavily absorbed X-ray spectra. These objects constitute ~10% of the population at luminosities and redshifts characteristic of the main producers of QSO luminosity ... -
Qualified Clinical Psychologists' Experiences of Working with Children with Life-Limiting Conditions: a Qualitative Study
(2012-11-20)Background: Despite the increased presence of clinical psychologists in paediatric services, including palliative care teams, there has been little research into their experience of working with children with life-limiting ... -
A qualitative analysis of the impact of cultural inertia on studynet/canvas use in teaching and learning at a post-92 university
(2021-07-07)Since this line of inquiry is underrepresented in the literature on technology adoption, this study investigates the effect of inertia on technology usage and acceptance in Higher Education institutions. Inertia is described ... -
A qualitative comparison of care home staff and palliative care specialists’ experiences of providing end of life care to people living and dying with dementia in care homes in two countries: A focus group study
(2022-01-01)Background: Palliative care for people with dementia dying in care homes is an important aspect of long-term care. Whilst there is consensus about the principles of palliative care, less is known about how care home staff ... -
A qualitative cybersecurity analysis of time-triggered communication networks in automotive systems
(2023-02-08)Security is gaining increasing importance in automotive systems, driven by technical innovations. For example, automotive vehicles become more open systems, allowing the communication with other traffic participants and ... -
Qualitative data analysis
(SAGE Publications, 2010) -
A qualitative evaluation of reflective practice groups on acute adult mental health inpatient units
(2019-09)Working on inpatient psychiatric wards requires the ability to maintain a calm and compassionate demeanour in the face of patient distress. This article considers the role of flexible Reflective Practice Groups (RPGs) as ... -
A Qualitative Evaluation of Women as Managers in the Nigerian Civil Service
(2004)Discusses the role of women in management in the Nigerian Civil Service (NCS). The number of men in management in the NCS far exceeds the number of women. Women also function in a Nigerian society permeated by gender ... -
A Qualitative Exploration of Alopecia: Impact, Coping and Interactions with Professionals
(2024-10-08)Background: Alopecia relates to hair loss. This thesis focuses on types of Alopecia mainly believed to be triggered by an autoimmune response, such as Alopecia areata (AA). Although Alopecia is not a life threatening ... -
A Qualitative Exploration of Candidates’ Expectations and Preparations for Weight Loss Surgery in the NHS
(2018-10-26)Introduction: Weight loss surgery is the primary intervention offered by the NHS for patients with morbid obesity and associated health conditions (Welbourn, Fiennes & Kinsman, 2014). There are relatively few studies looking ...