Now showing items 2919-2938 of 24473

    • Chemical evolution of spiral galaxies from redshift 4 to the present 

      Fritze, U.; Lindner, U.; Fricke, K.J. (2002)
    • Chemical Evolution with Radial Mixing Redux: a detailed model for formation and evolution of the Milky Way 

      Chen, Boquan; Hayden, Michael R.; Sharma, Sanjib; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Karakas, Amanda I. (2023-08-01)
      We present a multizone galactic chemical evolution (GCE) model for the Milky Way that takes the most recently updated yields of major nucleosynthesis channels into account. It incorporates physical processes commonly found ...
    • A chemical kinetic study of low alcohol/iso-octane blends in both premixed and partially premixed combustion 

      Rahnama, Pourya; Bao, Hesheng; Somers, Bart; Paykani, Amin; Novella, Ricardo (2021-04-15)
      The use of alcoholic fuels in both compression ignition and spark ignition engines has received much attention in recent years. Using these fuels, either in pure form or in a blended form with gasoline, not only reduces ...
    • A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL 

      Tinetti, Giovanna; Drossart, Pierre; Eccleston, Paul; Hartogh, Paul; Heske, Astrid; Leconte, Jérémy; Micela, Giusi; Ollivier, Marc; Pilbratt, Göran; Puig, Ludovic; Turrini, Diego; Vandenbussche, Bart; Wolkenberg, Paulina; Beaulieu, Jean Philippe; Buchave, Lars A.; Ferus, Martin; Griffin, Matt; Guedel, Manuel; Justtanont, Kay; Lagage, Pierre Olivier; Machado, Pedro; Malaguti, Giuseppe; Min, Michiel; Nørgaard-Nielsen, Hans Ulrik; Rataj, Mirek; Ray, Tom; Ribas, Ignasi; Swain, Mark; Szabo, Robert; Werner, Stephanie; Barstow, Joanna; Burleigh, Matt; Cho, James; du Foresto, Vincent Coudé; Coustenis, Athena; Decin, Leen; Encrenaz, Therese; Galand, Marina; Gillon, Michael; Helled, Ravit; Morales, Juan Carlos; Muñoz, Antonio García; Moneti, Andrea; Pagano, Isabella; Pascale, Enzo; Piccioni, Giuseppe; Pinfield, David; Sarkar, Subhajit; Selsis, Franck; Jones, Hugh (2018-11-01)
      Thousands of exoplanets have now been discovered with a huge range of masses, sizes and orbits: from rocky Earth-like planets to large gas giants grazing the surface of their host star. However, the essential nature of ...
    • Chemical warfare: the fungal quest to conquer oilseed rape 

      Fortune, James; Baker, Daniel; Stanley, James; Karandeni Dewage, Chinthani Shanika; Ritchie, Faye; Fitt, Bruce; Huang, Yongju (AFCP, 2021-06-16)
    • Chemically Consistent Evolutionary Models With Dust 

      Moller, C.S.; Fritze, U.; Fricke, K.J.; Calzetti, D. (2001)
    • Chemically consistent evolutionary synthesis 

      Fritze, U.; Weilbacher, P.; Bicker, J. (2003)
      To account for the range of stellar metallicities in local galaxies and for the increasing importance of low metallicities at higher redshift we present chemically consistent models for the spectral and chemical evolution ...
    • Chemistry of heavy elements in the Dark Ages 

      Vonlanthen, P.; Rauscher, T.; Winteler, C.; Puy, D.; Signore, M.; Dubrovich, V. (2009-08)
      Context. Primordial molecules were formed during the Dark Ages, i.e. the time between recombination and reionization in the early Universe. They were the constituents of the first proto-stellar clouds. Standard Big Bang ...
    • Chemistry of Molecular Gas in Starbursts and AGN 

      Garcia-Burillo, S.; Fuente, A.; Usero, A.; Martin-Pintado, J. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004)
      We present the main results of an extragalactic survey aiming to study the chemistry of molecular gas in a limited sample of starburst galaxies (SB) and AGN hosts. Observations have been carried out with the IRAM 30m ...
    • Chemo-Dynamical Evolution of Galaxies 

      Kobayashi, Chiaki; Taylor, Philip (Springer Nature, 2023-02-17)
      Stars are fossils that retain the history of their host galaxies. Elements heavier than helium are created inside stars and are ejected when they die. From the spatial distribution of elements in galaxies, it is therefore ...
    • Chemo-dynamical Simulations and Galactic Archaeology 

      Kobayashi, Chiaki (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2010)
      We predict the frequency distribution of elemental abundance ratios from Carbon to Zinc as a functions of time and location, which can be directly compared with the next generation of the galactic archeology project such ...
    • Chemo-dynamical simulations of galaxies 

      Kobayashi, Chiaki (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
      We simulate the formation and evolution of galaxies with a self-consistent 3D hydrodynamical model including star formation, supernova feedback, and chemical enrichment. Hypernova feedback plays an essential role not only ...
    • Chemodynamical evolution of elliptical galaxies : Metallicity gradients and scaling relations 

      Kobayashi, C. (2004-01)
      We simulate the chemodynamical evolution of a hundred elliptical galaxies using our GRAPE-SPH code, and succeed in reproducing the radial metallicity gradients and the global scaling relations such as the fundamental plane. ...
    • Chemodynamical evolution of galaxies 

      Kobayashi, C. (2002-07)
      I simulate the chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way and elliptical galaxies using the GRAPE-SPH code. By reproducing the observations, I discuss the origin of elliptical galaxies
    • Chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way 

      Kobayashi, C.; Nakasato, N.; Nomoto, K. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2003)
      We simulate the chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way using our GRAPE-SPH code, and reproduce the age-metallicity relation, the [O/Fe]-[Fe/H] relation, and the metallicity distribution.
    • Chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way Galaxy 

      Kobayashi, Chiaki (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
      We simulate the chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy, including the nucleosynthesis yields of hypernovae and a new progenitor model for Type la Supernovae (SNe la). In our nucleosynthesis yields of core-collapse ...
    • Chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way galaxy 

      Kobayashi, Chiaki; Nakasato, Naohito (2011-03-01)
      We present chemodynamical simulations of a Milky-Way-type galaxy using a self-consistent hydrodynamical code that includes supernova feedback and chemical enrichment, and predict the spatial distribution of elements from ...
    • Chemodynamical Simulations with Variable IMF 

      Kobayashi, Chiaki (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2010)
      Using self-consistent chemodynamical simulations including star formation, supernova feedback, and chemical enrichment, I show the dependence of the initial mass function (IMF) on cosmic star formation and chemical enrichment ...
    • Chemokines and chemokine receptors in colorectal cancer; multifarious roles and clinical impact 

      Braoudaki, Maria; Ahmad, Mohammed Saqif; Mustafov, Denis; Seriah, Sara; Siddiqui, Mohammad Naseem; Siddiqui, Shoib (2022-10-13)
      Colorectal cancer (CRC) is considered the second cause of cancer death worldwide. The early diagnosis plays a key role in patient prognosis and subsequently overall survival. Similar to several types of cancer, colorectal ...