Now showing items 12268-12287 of 24467

    • IPHAS and the symbiotic stars. II. New discoveries and a sample of the most common mimics 

      Corradi, R.L.M.; Valentini, M.; Munari, U.; Drew, J.E.; Rodriguez-Flores, E.R.; Viironen, K.; Greimel, R.; Santander-Garcia, M.; Sabin, L.; Mampaso, A.; Parker, Q.A.; De Pew, K.; Sale, S.E.; Unruh, Y.C.; Vink, J.S.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; Barlow, M.J.; Lennon, D.J.; Groot, P.; Giammanco, C.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Walton, N.A. (2010)
      Context. Knowledge of the total population of symbiotic stars in the Galaxy is important for understanding basic aspects of stellar evolution in interacting binaries and the relevance of this class of objects in the formation ...
    • The IPHAS catalogue of Hα emission-line sources in the northern Galactic plane 

      Witham, A.R.; Knigge, C.; Drew, J.E.; Greimel, R.; Steeghs, D.; Gansicke, B.T.; Groot, P.; Mampaso, A. (2008)
      We present a catalogue of point-source Hα emission-line objects selected from the INT/WFC Photometric Hα Survey (IPHAS) of the northern Galactic plane.
    • IPHAS discoveries of young stars towards Cyg OB2 and its southern periphery 

      Vink, J.S.; Drew, J.E.; Steeghs, D.; Wright, Nick; Martin, E.L.; Gansicke, B.T.; Greimel, R.; Drake, J. (2008)
      We report on the discovery of over 50 strong Hα emitting objects towards the large OB association Cyg OB2 and the H ii region DR 15 on its southern periphery. This was achieved using the INT Photometric Hα Survey of the ...
    • IPHAS extinction distances to planetary nebulae 

      Giammanco, C.; Sale, S.E.; Corradi, R.L.M.; Barlow, M.J.; Viironen, K.; Sabin, L.; Santander-Garcia, M.; Frew, D.J.; Greimel, R.; Miszalski, B.; Phillipps, S.; Zijlstra, A.A.; Mampaso, A.; Drew, J.E.; Parker, Q.A.; Napiwotzki, R. (2011)
      Aims. The determination of reliable distances to planetary nebulae (PNe) is a major difficulty in the study of this class of objects in the Galaxy. The availability of new photometric surveys such as IPHAS (the INT/WFC ...
    • An IPHAS-based search for accreting very low-mass objects using VO tools 

      Valdivielso, L.; Martin, E.L.; Bouy, H.; Solano, E.; Drew, J.E.; Greimel, R.; Gutierrez, R.; Unruh, Y.C.; Vink, J.S. (2009)
      Context. The main goal of this paper is to prove that accreting very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs can be identified in IPHAS, an H emission survey of the northern Milky Way. Full exploitation of the IPHAS database and ...
    • The IPHAS-POSS-I proper motion survey of the Galactic plane 

      Deacon, Niall; Groot, P.; Drew, J.E.; Greimel, R.; Hambly, N.C.; Irwin, M.J.; Aungwerojwit, A.; Drake, J.; Steeghs, D. (2009)
      We present a proper motion survey of the Galactic plane, using Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) Photometric Hα Survey (IPHAS) data and Palomar Sky Survey (POSS)-I Schmidt plate data as a first epoch, that probes down to proper ...
    • IR Imaging Polarimetry of the Nuclear Regions of CEN A 

      Bailey, J.; Hough, J.; Chrysostomou, A. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1994)
      Aperture polarimetry of the nucleus of Cen A (Bailey et al. 1986) revealed a very red polarized source present in the K and L bands which was interpreted as a blazar type nucleus. To study this region in more detail we ...
    • IR imaging surveys of AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds 

      Cioni, M-R.L. (2010)
      AGB stars are ideal IR targets because they are cool and bright. Most of them escaped detection in optical or shallow IR surveys in the eighties contributing to the puzzling missing number of AGB stars with respect to ...
    • IR imaging surveys of AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds 

      Cioni, M-R.L. (European Astronomical Society, 2010)
      AGB stars are ideal IR targets because they are cool and bright. Most of them escaped detection in optical or shallow IR surveys in the eighties contributing to the puzzling missing number of AGB stars with respect to ...
    • IR photometry and polarimetry of 2A0311−227 

      Bailey, J.; Hough, J.; Axon, D.J. (1980)
      The X-ray source 2A0311 − 227 has recently been identified with a star whose spectrum and polarization properties show it to be an AM Herculis type binary. These binaries are thought to consist of a synchronously rotating ...
    • The IR variability of SS433 

      Giles, A.B.; King, A.R.; Jameson, R.F.; Sherrington, M.R.; Hough, J.; Bailey, J.; Cunningham, E.C. (1980)
      We report here the results of a one-year monitoring programme of SS433 at IR and visual wavelengths. The most striking feature of these observations is the near constancy of the IR colours while the source's flux varies ...
    • An Iranian Perspective on Patients' Rights 

      Joolaee, Soodabeh; Nikbakht-Nasrabadi, Alireza; Parsa-Yekta, Zohreh; Tschudin, Verena; Mansouri, Iman (2006)
      The aim of this phenomenological research study carried out in Iran was to capture the meaning of patients' rights from the lived experiences of patients and their companions. To achieve this, 12 semistructured interviews ...
    • IRAS 20050+2720 : Anatomy of a young stellar cluster 

      Günther, H.M.; Wolk, S.J.; Spitzbart, B.; Forbrich, J.; Wright, N.J.; Bourke, T.L.; Gutermuth, R.A.; Allen, L.; Megeath, S.T.; Pipher, J.L. (2012-10-01)
      IRAS 20050+2720 is young star-forming region at a distance of 700 pc without apparent high-mass stars. We present results of our multi-wavelength study of IRAS 20050+2720 which includes observations by Chandra and Spitzer, ...
    • IRDC cores in SCUBA Legacy Catalogue (Parsons+, 2009) 

      Parsons, H.; Thompson, M.A.; Chrysostomou, A. (2011-08-01)
    • Iris Murdoch and the Borders of Analytic Philosophy 

      Milligan, Tony (2012-06)
      Iris Murdoch's philosophical texts depart significantly from familiar analytic discursive norms. (Such as the norms concerning argument structure and the minimization of rhetoric.) This may lead us to adopt one of two ...
    • Iris Murdoch's Mortal Asymmetry 

      Milligan, Tony (2007)
      Iris Murdoch holds that the best sort of life is a figurative death of the self. This figurative death is informed by an acceptance of real mortality. A recognition of mortality is supposed to help redirect our attention ...
    • Iron 60 evidence for early injection and efficient mixing of stellar debris in the protosolar nebula 

      Dauphas, N.; Cook, D. L.; Sacarabany, A.; Froehlich, Carla; Davis, A. M.; Wadhwa, M.; Pourmand, A.; Rauscher, T.; Gallino, R. (2008-10-10)
      Among extinct radioactivities present in meteorites, Fe-60 (t(1/2) = 1.49 Myr) plays a key role as a high-resolution chronometer, a heat source in planetesimals, and a fingerprint of the astrophysical setting of solar ...
    • Iron-Group Abundances in the Metal-Poor Main Sequence Turnoff Star HD~84937 

      Sneden, Christopher; Cowan, John J.; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Pignatari, Marco; Lawler, James E.; Hartog, Elizabeth A. Den; Wood, Michael P. (2016-01-20)
      We have derived new very accurate abundances of the Fe-group elements Sc through Zn (Z = 21-30) in the bright main-sequence turnoff star HD 84937, based on high-resolution spectra covering the visible and ultraviolet ...
    • Irony and humour in the Postscript 

      Lippitt, John (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
    • Irony, relevance and pragmatic interpretation in Spanish 

      Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2010)
      This article examines the interpretation of irony in Spanish. It first looks at traditional approaches such as the Gricean model, which classify irony together with other tropes like metaphor, hyperbole, or understatement. ...