Now showing items 15373-15392 of 24467

    • The Newspaper Portrayal of Mothers Accessing Food Banks in the UK 

      Ommanney, Sarah (2021-10-07)
      Aim: This study investigated the newspaper portrayal of mothers’ accessing food banks in the UK. Specifically, how their identities were portrayed, how their experiences were portrayed and how the impact of this was ...
    • A Newton Method with a Two-Dimensional Line Search 

      Bartholomew-Biggs, M. (2003)
    • Next generation PONs with wireless backhauling 

      Milosavljevic, M.; Kourtessis, P.; Lim, W.; Senior, J.M. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011)
      This paper is tackling the issue that stem from the coexistence of diverse technologies, such as emerging OFDMA-PON and WiMAX/LTE, within the same infrastructure. It outlines the key requirements that need to be fulfilled ...
    • Next Practices in Modern Project Management : Supporting Communication, Collaboration and Collective Intelligence 

      Thomsett, Rob; Cockburn, Alistair; Dalcher, Darren; Coleman, David; Rothman, Johana (Cutter Information LLC, 2008-07)
    • The Nexus Paradox: Legal Personality and the Theory of the Firm 

      Gindis, David (University of Hertfordshire, 2013-05-28)
      In the last four decades, one of the fastest-growing fields of research in economics has been the contractual theory of the firm developed in Coase’s (1937) footsteps. Yet despite what otherwise seems to be a genuine success ...
    • NGC 1266 as a local candidate for rapid cessation of star formation 

      Alatalo, Katherine; Nyland, Kristina; Graves, Genevieve; Deustua, Susana; Griffin, Kristen Shapiro; Duc, Pierre-Alain; Cappellari, Michele; McDermid, Richard M.; Davis, Timothy A.; Crocker, Alison F.; Young, Lisa M.; Chang, Philip; Scott, Nicholas; Cales, Sabrina L.; Bayet, Estelle; Blitz, Leo; Bois, Maxime; Bournaud, Frédéric; Bureau, Martin; Davies, Roger L.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Emsellem, Eric; Khochfar, Sadegh; Krajnović, Davor; Kuntschner, Harald; Morganti, Raffaella; Naab, Thorsten; Oosterloo, Tom; Sarzi, Marc; Serra, Paolo; Weijmans, Anne-Marie (2014-01-10)
      We present new Spectrographic Areal Unit for Research on Optical Nebulae (SAURON) integral-field spectroscopy and Swift Ultraviolet Optical Telescope (UVOT) observations of molecular outflow host galaxy NGC 1266 that ...
    • NGC 206, a hole in M31 

      Brinks, E. (1981-02-01)
      New high resolution 21 cm line observations of M31 show that the interstellar medium of this galaxy contains numerous holes in the H I distribution, some of which are clearly correlated with OB-associations. These holes ...
    • NGC 2207/IC 2163 : A Grazing Encounter with Large-scale Shocks 

      Kaufman, M.; Grupe, D.; Elmegreen, B. G.; Elmegreen, D.M.; Struck, C.; Brinks, E. (2012-11)
      Radio continuum, Spitzer infrared, optical, and XMM-Newton X-ray and ultraviolet observations (UVW1 and UVM2) are used to study large-scale shock fronts, young star complexes, and the galactic nuclei in the interacting ...
    • NGC 326: X-shaped no more 

      Hardcastle, M. J.; Croston, J. H.; Shimwell, T. W.; Tasse, C.; Gurkan Uygun, Gulay; Morganti, R.; Murgia, M.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Weeren, R. J. van; Williams, W. L. (2019-09-01)
      We present new 144-MHz LOFAR observations of the prototypical `X-shaped' radio galaxy NGC 326, which show that the formerly known wings of the radio lobes extend smoothly into a large-scale, complex radio structure. We ...
    • NGC 3310 and its tidal debris: remnants of galaxy evolution 

      Wehner, E.H.; Gallagher, J.S.; Papaderos, P.; Fritze, U.; Westfall, K.B. (2006)
    • NGC 404, a galaxy without dark matter 

      del Rio, M.S.; Brinks, E.; Carral, P.; Cepa, J. (2001)
    • NGC 404, a galaxy without dark matter 

      del Rio, M.S.; Brinks, E.; Carral, P.; Cepa, J. (2001)
    • NGC 4435: a bulge-dominated galaxy with an unforeseen low-mass central black hole 

      Coccato, L.; Sarzi, M.; Pizzella, A.; Corsini, E.M.; Dalla Bonta, E.; Bertola, F. (2006)
    • NGC 4672: A new case of an early-type disk galaxy with an orthogonally decoupled core 

      Sarzi, M.; Corsini, E.M.; Pizzella, A.; Beltran, V.; Cappellari, M.; Funes, J.; Bertola, F. (2000)
      We report the case of the early-type disk galaxy NGC 4672 as a new example of a galaxy characterized by the orthogonal geometrical decoupling between bulge and disk. The morphological features of this galaxy are discussed ...
    • NGC 5626: a massive fast rotator with a twist 

      Viaene, S.; Sarzi, M.; Baes, M.; Puerari, I. (2018-02-11)
      We present a kinematic analysis of the dust-lane elliptical NGC 5626 based on MUSE observations. These data allow us to robustly classify this galaxy as a fast rotator and to infer a virial mass of 10 11.7M⊙, making it one ...
    • NGC7538 IRS1 N: modelling a circumstellar maser disc 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Elitzur, M.; Conway, J.; Booth, R. (2004-06)
    • NGC765-a disturbed HI giant 

      Portas, A.; Brinks, E.; Filho, M. E.; Usero, A.; Dyke, E.M; Belles, P.E. (2010)
      We present H I spectral line and radio-continuum Very Large Array (VLA) data of the galaxy NGC 765, complemented by optical and Chandra X-ray maps. NGC 765 has the largest H I-to-optical ratio known to date of any spiral ...
    • NHS ethics : Shoe-bombers and why ‘less needs to be more' 

      Jansari, Ashok; Cocchini, Gianna; Jenkinson, Paul; Bajo, Ana; Ietswaart, Magdalena (2015-10)
      Neuropsychological research poses several challenges. Some of these, such as developing new ideas and conducting innovative studies, are approached with great enthusiasm, and are an integral and motivating part of academic ...
    • The NHS plan : accounting for investment and reform in twenty acute hospital trusts in England (1998–2003) 

      Haslam, C. (2005)
      The National Health Service (NHS) Plan published in 2000 summarised Labour's commitment to modernising the NHS in England. The NHS would receive substantial additional funding bringing expenditure on health, as a share in ...