Now showing items 4709-4728 of 24473

    • Deep ASKAP EMU Survey of the GAMA23 field: Properties of radio sources 

      Gürkan, Gülay; Prandoni, I.; O'Brien, A.; Raja, W.; Marchetti, L.; Vaccari, M.; Driver, S.; Taylor, E.; Franzen, T.; Brown, M. J. I.; Shabala, S.; Andernach, H.; Hopkins, A. M.; Norris, R. P.; Leahy, D.; Bilicki, M.; Farajollahi, H.; Galvin, T.; Heald, G.; Koribalski, B. S.; An, T.; Warhurst, K. (2022-04-11)
      We present the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) observations of the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA)-23h field. The survey was carried out at 887.5 MHz and covers a 83 square degree field. We imaged the ...
    • A deep catalogue of classical Be stars in the direction towards the Perseus Arm : spectral types and interstellar reddenings 

      Raddi, Roberto; Drew, J.E.; Steeghs, D. T. H.; Wright, Nick; Drake, J. J.; Barentsen, Geert; Fabregat, J.; Sale, S. E. (2015-01)
      We present a catalogue of 247 photometrically and spectroscopically confirmed fainter classical Be stars (13 ≲ r ≲ 16) in the direction of the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way (−1° < b < +4°, 120° < ℓ < 140°). The catalogue ...
    • Deep Chandra Monitoring Observations of NGC 3379 : Catalog of Source Properties 

      Brassington, Nicola; Fabbiano, G.; Kim, D.-W.; Zezas, A.; Zepf, S.; Kundu, A.; Angelini, L.; Davies, R. L.; Gallagher, J.; Kalogera, V.; Fragos, T.; King, A.R.; Pellegrini, S.; Trinchieri, G. (2008-11-01)
      We present the properties of the discrete X-ray sources detected in our monitoring program of the `typical' elliptical galaxy, NGC 3379, observed with Chandra ACIS-S in five separate pointings, resulting in a co-added ...
    • Deep Chandra Monitoring Observations of NGC 4278 : Catalog of Source Properties 

      Brassington, Nicola; Fabbiano, G.; Kim, D.-W.; Zezas, A.; Zepf, S.; Kundu, A.; Angelini, L.; Davies, R. L.; Gallagher, J.; Kalogera, V.; Fragos, T.; King, A.R.; Pellegrini, S.; Trinchieri, G. (2009-04-01)
      We present the properties of the discrete X-ray sources detected in our monitoring program of the globular cluster (GC) rich elliptical galaxy, NGC 4278, observed with Chandra ACIS-S in six separate pointings, resulting ...
    • Deep Chandra observations of Pictor A 

      Hardcastle, M. J.; Lenc, E.; Birkinshaw, M.; Croston, J. H.; Goodger, J. L.; Marshall, H. L.; Perlman, E. S.; Siemiginowska, A.; Stawarz, L.; Worrall, D. M. (2016-02-01)
      We report on deep Chandra observations of the nearby broad-line radio galaxy Pictor A, which we combine with new Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations. The new X-ray data have a factor 4 more exposure than ...
    • Deep Chandra Observations of the Centaurus A Jet 

      Hardcastle, M.J.; Kraft, R.P.; Goodger, Joanna; Croston, J.H.; Sivakoff, G.R.; Jordan, A.; Evans, D.A. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008)
      Chandra has observed the jet of Centaurus A for 560 ks in 2007, giving a total on-source observation time since the launch of Chandra of 720 ks. Combining these datasets gives us a uniquely detailed X-ray view of the jet ...
    • Deep Channel Learning For Large Intelligent Surfaces Aided mm-Wave Massive MIMO Systems 

      Elbir, Ahmet M.; Papazafeiropoulos, Anastasios; Kourtessis, Pandelis; Chatzinotas, Symeon; Senior, John (2020-09)
      This letter presents the first work introducing a deep learning (DL) framework for channel estimation in large intelligent surface (LIS) assisted massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) systems. A twin convolutional ...
    • Deep clustering of cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning to optimize multi chiller HVAC systems for smart buildings energy management 

      Homod, Raad Z.; Yaseen, Zaher Mundher; Hussein, Ahmed Kadhim; Almusaed, Amjad; Alawi, Omer A.; Falah, Mayadah W.; Abdelrazek, Ali H.; Ahmed, Waqar; Eltaweel, Mahmoud (2023-04-15)
      Chillers are responsible for almost half of the total energy demand in buildings. Hence, the obligation of control systems of multi-chiller due to changes indoor environments is one of the most significant parts of a smart ...
    • Deep Learning for Condition Detection in Chest Radiographs: A Performance Comparison of Different Radiograph Views and Handling of Uncertain Labels 

      Ahmad, Mubashir; Koay, Kheng; Sun, Yi; Jayaram, Vijay; Arunachalam, Ganesh; Amirabdollahian, Farshid (2023-04-28)
      Chest radiographs are the initial diagnostic modality for lung or chest-related conditions. It is believed that radi- ologist’s availability is a bottleneck impacting patient’s safety because of long waiting times. With ...
    • Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation on Minimal Hardware 

      Dijk, Sander G. van; Scheunemann, Marcus M. (Springer Nature, 2019-08-04)
      Deep learning has revolutionised many fields, but it is still challenging to transfer its success to small mobile robots with minimal hardware. Specifically, some work has been done to this effect in the RoboCup humanoid ...
    • Deep Learning Segmentation of Spiral Arms and Bars 

      Walmsley, Mike; Spindler, Ashley (2023-12)
      We present the first deep learning model for segmenting galactic spiral arms and bars. In a blinded assessment by expert astronomers, our predicted spiral arm masks are preferred over both current automated methods (99% ...
    • Deep multi-frequency radio imaging in the Lockman Hole - II : The spectral index of submillimetre galaxies 

      Ibar, E.; Ivison, R.J.; Best, P.N.; Coppin, Kristen; Pope, A.; Smail, I.; Dunlop, J.S. (2010-01-01)
      We have employed the Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope and the Very Large Array to map the Lockman Hole. At 610 and 1400 MHz, we reach noise levels of 15 and 6μJy beam , respectively, with well-matched resolutions (~5 ...
    • Deep Narrowband Photometry of the M101 Group: Strong-line Abundances of 720 H ii Regions 

      Garner, Ray; Mihos, J. Christopher; Harding, Paul; Watkins, Aaron E.; McGaugh, Stacy S. (2022-12-22)
      We present deep, narrowband imaging of the nearby spiral galaxy M101 and its satellites to analyze the oxygen abundances of their H ii regions. Using Case Western Reserve University’s Burrell Schmidt telescope, we add to ...
    • Deep NIR photometry of HI galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance 

      Williams, Wendy L.; Kraan-Korteweg, Renée C.; Woudt, Patrick A. (2014-09-01)
      Current studies of the peculiar velocity flow field in the Local Universe are limited by either the lack of detection or accurate photometry for galaxies at low Galactic latitudes. The contribution to the dynamics of the ...
    • The deep OB-star population in Carina from the VST Photometric H-alpha Survey (VPHAS+) 

      Mohr-Smith, M.; Drew, Janet; Napiwotzki, Ralf; Simon-Diaz, S.; Wright, N. J.; Barentsen, Geert; Eisloeffel, J.; Farnhill, Hywel; Greimel, R.; Monguio, Maria; Kalari, V.; Parker, Q. A.; Vink, Jorick S. (2017-02-21)
      Massive OB stars are critical to the ecology of galaxies and yet our knowledge of OB stars in the Milky Way, fainter than V ∼ 12, remains patchy. Data from the VST Photometric Hα Survey (VPHAS+) permit the construction of ...
    • Deep radio continuum imaging of the dwarf irregular galaxy IC 10: tracing star formation and magnetic fields 

      Heesen, V.; Rau, U.; Rupen, M. P.; Brinks, E.; Hunter, D. A. (2011-09-20)
      We exploit the vastly increased sensitivity of the Expanded Very Large Array to study the radio continuum and polarization properties of the post-starburst, dwarf irregular galaxy IC 10 at 6 cm, at a linear resolution of ...
    • Deep radio imaging of the SCUBA 8-mJy survey fields: submillimetre source identifications and redshift distribution 

      Ivison, R.J.; Greve, T.R.; Smail, I.; Dunlop, J.S.; Roche, N.D.; Scott, S.E.; Page, M.J.; Stevens, J. A.; Almaini, O.; Blain, A.W.; Willott, C.J.; Fox, M.; Gilbank, D.G.; Serjeant, S.; Hughes, D.H. (2002-11)
    • Deep reinforcement learning for adaptive path planning and control of an autonomous underwater vehicle 

      Hadi, Behnaz; Khosravi, Alireza; Sarhadi, Pouria (2022-11-01)
      Research into intelligent motion planning methods has been driven by the growing autonomy of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) in complex unknown environments. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms with actor-critic ...
    • Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Dynamic Reconfiguration Planning for Digital Twin-Driven Smart Manufacturing Systems With Reconfigurable Machine Tools 

      Huang, Jintang; Huang, Sihan; Moghaddam, Shokraneh K.; Lu, Yuqian; Wang, Guoxin; Yan, Yan; Shi, Xuejiang (2024-07-30)
      Smart manufacturing systems are a new paradigm in Industry 4.0 driven by the emerging information and communication technology and artificial intelligence that converge to digital twin, which are able to perceive, recognize, ...
    • The Deep SPIRE HerMES Survey: spectral energy distributions and their astrophysical indications at high redshift 

      Brisbin, D.; Harwit, M.; Altieri, B.; Amblard, A.; Arumugam, V.; Aussel, H.; Babbedge, T.; Blain, A.; Bock, J.; Boselli, A.; Buat, V.; Castro-Rodríguez, N.; Cava, A.; Chanial, P.; Clements, D. L.; Conley, A.; Conversi, L.; Cooray, A.; Dowell, C.D.; Dwek, E.; Eales, S.; Elbaz, D.; Fox, M.; Franceschini, A.; Gear, W.; Glenn, J.; Griffin, M.; Halpern, M.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Ibar, E.; Isaak, K.; Ivison, Rob J.; Lagache, G.; Levenson, L.; Lonsdale, C.J.; Lu, N.; Madden, S.; Maffei, B.; Mainetti, G.; Marchetti, L.; Morrison, G.E.; Nguyen, H.T.; O'Halloran, B.; Oliver, S.J.; Omont, A.; Owen, F.N.; Pannella, M.; Panuzzo, P.; Papageorgiou, A.; Pearson, C.P.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Pohlen, M.; Rizzo, D.; Roseboom, I.G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Portal, M.S.; Schulz, B.; Seymour, N.; Shupe, D. L.; Smith, A.J.; Stevens, Jason; Strazzullo, V.; Symeonidis, M.; Trichas, M.; Tugwell, K.E.; Vaccari, M.; Valtchanov, I.; Vigroux, L.; Wang, L.; Ward, R.; Wright, G.; Xu, C.K.; Zemcov, M. (2010-11-01)
      We present the cross-identification and source photometry techniques used to process Herschel SPIRE imaging taken as part of the Herschel Multi-Tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES). Cross-identifications are performed in ...