Now showing items 1653-1672 of 24471

    • Average Scores Integration in Official Star Rating Scheme 

      Mellinas, Juan Pedro; Reino, Sofia (2019-09-17)
      Purpose: Evidence suggests that electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) plays a highly influential role in decision-making when booking hotel rooms. The number of online sources where consumers can obtain information on hotel ...
    • The average submillimetre properties of Lyman-alpha Blobs at z=3 

      Hine, N. K.; Geach, J. E.; Matsuda, Y.; Lehmer, B. D.; Michalowski, M. J.; Farrah, D.; Spaans, M.; Oliver, S. J.; Smith, D. J. B.; Chapman, S. C.; Jenness, T.; Alexander, D. M.; Robson, I.; Werf, P. van der (2016-08-21)
      Ly-alpha blobs (LABs) offer insight into the complex interface between galaxies and their circumgalactic medium. Whilst some LABs have been found to contain luminous star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei that ...
    • Average transmit power of adaptive ZF very large multi-user and multi-antenna systems 

      Yue, Dian Wu; Sun, Yichuang (2015-04-01)
      In this paper, we investigate adaptive zero-forcing uplink transmission for very large multi-user multi-antenna systems in Rayleigh fading environments. We assume that the number of antennas at the base station (denoted ...
    • Avermectins and milbemycins 

      McKellar, Quintin; Benchaoui, H. A. (1996-10)
    • Aviation effects on already-existing cirrus clouds 

      Tesche, Matthias; Achtert, Peggy; Glantz, Paul; Noone, Kevin (2016-06-21)
      Determining the effects of the formation of contrails within natural cirrus clouds has proven to be challenging. Quantifying any such effects is necessary if we are to properly account for the influence of aviation on ...
    • Avirulence management for durable control of stem canker of oilseed rape in Europe 

      Fitt, Bruce D.L. (Association of Applied Biologists, 2006)
    • AVNP2 protects against cognitive impairments induced by C6 glioma by suppressing tumour associated inflammation in rats 

      Li, Junyang; Liu, Meicen; Gao, Jin; Jiang, Yu; Wu, Limin; Cheong, Yuen-Ki; Ren, Guogang; Yang, Zhuo (2020-07-01)
      Glioblastoma is a kind of malignant tumour and originates from the central nervous system. In the last century, some researchers and clinician have noticed that the psychosocial and neurocognitive functioning of patients ...
    • Avoid jumping to conclusions under uncertainty in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 

      Morein-Zamir, Sharon; Shahper, Sonia; Gasull-Camos, Julia; Fineberg, Naomi; Robbins, Trevor (2020-01-15)
      High levels of intolerance of uncertainty (IU) could contribute to abnormal decision making in uncertain situations. Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) often report high IU, indecisiveness and the need to ...
    • Avoidant coping and consumptive behaviour 

      Erskine, James; Georgiou, George; Kvavilashvili, Lia (2014)
    • Avoiding acyclovir neurotoxicity in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing haemodialysis 

      Almond, M.K.; Fan, S.; Dhillon, S.; Pollock, A.M.; Raftery, M.J. (1995)
      Acute neurotoxicity following the administration of the recommended oral dose of acyclovir (800 mg twice daily) to dialysis-dependent patients is increasingly recognised. This suggests that the recommended dose is too high. ...
    • Avoiding future Famines : Strengthening the Ecological Foundation of Food Security through Sustainable Food Systems 

      Alder, J.; Barling, David; Dugan, P.; Herren, H. R.; Josupeit, H.; Lang, T.; Lele, U.; McClennen, C.; Murphy-Bokem, D.; Scherr, S.; Willmann, R.; Uphoff, N. (United Nations Environment Programme, 2012)
      A UNEP Synthesis Report
    • Avoiding high ozone pollution in Delhi, India 

      Chen, Ying; Beig, Gufran; Archer-Nicholls, Scott; Drysdale, Will; Acton, Joe; Lowe, Doug; Nelson, Beth S; Lee, James D; Ran, Liang; Wang, Yu; Wu, Zhijun; Sahu, Saroj Kumar; Sokhi, Ranjeet S; Singh, Vikas; Gadi, Ranu; Hewitt, C. N.; Nemitz, Eiko; Archibald, Alex; McFiggins, Gordon; Wild, Oliver (2020-08-06)
      Surface ozone is a major pollutant threatening public health, agricultural production and natural ecosystems. While measures to improve air quality in megacities such as Delhi are typically aimed at reducing levels of ...
    • Avoiding plagiarism in academic writing 

      Anderson, I. (2009)
      Plagiarism means taking the work of another and presenting it as one’s own, resulting in potential upset for the original author and disrepute for the professions involved. This article aims to explore the issue of plagiarism ...
    • Avoiding the uncanny valley : robot appearance, personality and consistency of behavior in an attention-seeking home scenario for a robot companion 

      Walters, M.L.; Syrdal, D.S.; Dautenhahn, K.; Te Boekhorst, R.; Koay, K.L. (2008)
      This article presents the results of video-based Human Robot Interaction (HRI) trials which investigated people’s perceptions of different robot appearances and associated attention-seeking features and behaviors displayed ...
    • Avoiding timing anomalies using code transformations 

      Kadlec, A.; Kirner, Raimund; Puschner, P. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010)
      Divide-and-conquer approaches to worst-case execution-time analysis (WCET analysis) pose a safety risk when applied to code for complex modern processors: Interferences between the hardware acceleration mechanisms of these ...
    • Avoiding timing problems in real-time software 

      Puschner, P.; Kirner, Raimund (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2003)
      To safely establish the correct timing of a real-time processing node, adequate architectural structures have to be used. This refers to the hardware architecture of the processing node as well as the software architecture ...
    • Awakening the unconscious : mind the attainment gap 

      D'Alton-Harrison, Rita (2013-10)
      This discussion paper summarises recent UK research into the attainment gap between UK domiciled white students and those from other ethnicities who are also domiciled in the UK. The paper discusses how universities might ...
    • Awards, honours and prizes : 'a cultural value stock exchange' for media producers and audiences 

      Walden, Kim (2014-03-20)
      In The Field of Cultural of Production, Pierre Bourdieu asserts that a work is not made once, or twice even, but by everybody who is interested in it and this would certainly seem to be true of awards, honours and prizes. ...
    • AWARE-AWAreness during REsuscitation-A prospective study 

      Parnia, Sam; Spearpoint, Ken; de Vos, Gabriele; Fenwick, Peter; Goldberg, Diana; Yang, Jie; Zhu, Jiawen; Baker, Katie; Killingback, Hayley; McLean, Paula; Wood, Melanie; Zafari, A. Maziar; Dickert, Neal; Beisteiner, Roland; Sterz, Fritz; Berger, Michael; Warlow, Celia; Bullock, Siobhan; Lovett, Salli; McPara, Russell Metcalfe Smith; Marti-Navarette, Sandra; Cushing, Pam; Wills, Paul; Harris, Kayla; Sutton, Jenny; Walmsley, Anthony; Deakin, Charles D.; Little, Paul; Farber, Mark; Greyson, Bruce; Schoenfeld, Elinor R. (2014-12-01)
      Background: Cardiac arrest (CA) survivors experience cognitive deficits including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is unclear whether these are related to cognitive/mental experiences and awareness during CPR. ...