Now showing items 14604-14623 of 24465

    • More Female Execs would Stem the Sexist Rot in Hollywood 

      Duthie, Lyndsay (2017-10-13)
      Response to the Harvey Weinsten Scandal and the Hollywood Casting Couch.
    • More gestures than answers: Children learning about balance 

      Pine, K.; Lufkin, N.; Messer, D.J. (2004)
      This research extends the range of domains within which children's gestures are found to play an important role in learning. The study involves children learning about balance and we locate children's gestures within a ...
    • A more robust wall model for use with the two-equation turbulence model 

      Mallone, Kevin Charles (University of Hertfordshire, 1995)
      The applicability of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling schemes to turbulent wall-bounded flows is a matter of concern. In the near-wall region of bounded flows, the standard high Reynolds number k-e model is ...
    • More security or less insecurity 

      Chowdhury, Partha Das; Christianson, B. (Springer Nature, 2014)
      We depart from the conventional quest for ‘Completely Secure Systems’ and ask ‘How can we be more Secure’. We draw heavily from the evolution of the Theory of Justice and the arguments against the institutional approach ...
    • More security or less insecurity (transcript of discussion) 

      Christianson, B. (Springer Nature, 2014)
      The purpose of this talk is to explore the possibility of an exploitable analogy between approaches to secure system design and theories of jurisprudence. The prevailing theory of jurisprudence in the West at the moment ...
    • More than A to B : The role of free bus travel for the mobility and wellbeing of older citizens in London 

      Green, Judith; Jones, Alasdair John Howard; Roberts, Helen (2014-03)
      This study contributes to the literature on mobility and wellbeing at older ages. Taking London as a case study, where older citizens have free access to a relatively extensive and accessible public transport network, ...
    • More Than Smell-COVID-19 Is Associated With Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis 

      GCCR Group Author; Parma, Valentina; Ohla, Kathrin; Veldhuizen, Maria G.; Niv, Masha Y.; Kelly, Christine E.; Bakke, Alyssa J.; Cooper, Keiland W.; Bouysset, Cédric; Pirastu, Nicola; Dibattista, Michele; Kaur, Rishemjit; Liuzza, Marco Tullio; Pepino, Marta Y.; Schöpf, Veronika; Pereda-Loth, Veronica; Olsson, Shannon B.; Gerkin, Richard C.; Rohlfs Domínguez, Paloma; Albayay, Javier; Farruggia, Michael C.; Bhutani, Surabhi; Fjaeldstad, Alexander W.; Kumar, Ritesh; Menini, Anna; Bensafi, Moustafa; Sandell, Mari; Konstantinidis, Iordanis; Di Pizio, Antonella; Genovese, Federica; Öztürk, Lina; Thomas-Danguin, Thierry; Frasnelli, Johannes; Boesveldt, Sanne; Saatci, Özlem; Saraiva, Luis R.; Lin, Cailu; Golebiowski, Jérôme; Hwang, Liang Dar; Ozdener, Mehmet Hakan; Guàrdia, Maria Dolors; Laudamiel, Christophe; Ritchie, Marina; Havlícek, Jan; Pierron, Denis; Roura, Eugeni; Navarro, Marta; Nolden, Alissa A.; Parker, Jane K.; Schmuker, Michael; Hayes, John E. (2020-09-01)
      Recent anecdotal and scientific reports have provided evidence of a link between COVID-19 and chemosensory impairments, such as anosmia. However, these reports have downplayed or failed to distinguish potential effects on ...
    • More, More, More: Reducing Thrombosis in Acute Coronary Syndromes Beyond Dual Antiplatelet Therapy-Current Data and Future Directions. 

      Spinthakis, Nikolaos; Farag, Mohamed; Rocca, Bianca; Gorog, Diana (2018-02-06)
      Common to the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is the formation of arterial thrombus, which results from platelet activation and triggering of the coagulation cascade.1 To attenuate the risk of future thrombotic ...
    • Moritz Schlick on the Value of Play 

      Pollard, Beth (2021-08-19)
      The focus of this essay is Moritz Schlick’s On the Meaning of Life. Schlick wrote On the Meaning of Life in 1927 and hoped to push back against pessimist currents of thought that were popular at the time by using the ...
    • Morphine Analgesia Pre-PPCI Is Associated with Prothrombotic State, Reduced Spontaneous Reperfusion and Greater Infarct Size 

      Farag, Mohamed; Spinthakis, Nikolaos; Srinivasan, Manivannan; Sullivan, Keith; Wellsted, David; Gorog, Diana A (2018-03-01)
      The emergency management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) involves treatment with dual-antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) and primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI). Pain is generally treated with opiates, ...
    • Morphological changes in serotoninergic neurites in the striatum and globus pallidus in levodopa primed MPTP treated common marmosets with dyskinesia 

      Zeng, Bai-Yun; Iravani, Mahmoud M.; Jackson, Michael J.; Rose, Sarah; Parent, Andre; Jenner, Peter (2010-12)
      Hyperinnervation of the striatum by serotoninergic (5-HT) terminals occurs after destruction of the dopaminergic nigro-striatal pathway. Recent studies have suggested that non-physiological release of dopamine (DA) formed ...
    • The morphological mix of dwarf galaxies in the nearby Universe 

      Lazar, Ilin; Kaviraj, Sugata; Watkins, Aaron E.; Martin, Garreth; Bichang'a, Brian; Jackson, Ryan A. (2024-03-01)
      We use a complete, unbiased sample of 257 dwarf (10 8 M < M < 10 9.5 M) galaxies at z < 0.08, in the COSMOS field, to study the morphological mix of the dwarf population in low-density environments. Visual inspection of ...
    • Morphology and evolution of supraglacial hummocks on debris-covered Himalayan glaciers 

      Bartlett, Oliver T.; Ng, Felix S.L.; Rowan, Ann V. (2021-03-15)
      Thick supraglacial debris layers often have an undulating, hummocky topography that influences the lateral transport of debris and meltwater and provides basins for supraglacial ponds. The role of ablation and other processes ...
    • The morphology of the Magellanic Clouds revealed by stars of different age: results from the DENIS survey 

      Cioni, M-R.L.; Habing, H.J.; Israel, F.P. (2000)
      The spatial distribution of sources populating different regions of the colour–magnitude diagram (I −J,I) extracted from the DENIS catalogue towards the Mag- ellanic Clouds (DCMC – Cioni et al. 2000) reveal signifi- cantly ...
    • Morphometric Characterization of Rat and Human Alveolar Macrophage Cell Models and their Response to Amiodarone using High Content Image Analysis 

      Hoffman, Ewelina; Bodhaniya, Aateka; Ball, Doug; Klapwijk, Jan; Millar, Val; Kumar, Abhinav; Martin, Abigail; Mahendran, Rhamiya; Dailey, Lea Ann; Forbes, Ben; Hutter, Victoria (2017-12-31)
      Purpose. Progress to the clinic may be delayed or prevented when vacuolated or “foamy” alveolar macrophages are observed during non-clinical inhalation toxicology assessment. The first step in developing methods to study ...
    • A morphometric study of the human ear 

      Alexander, K.S.; Stott, D.; Sivakumar, B.; Kang, N. (2010)
      Aims: We examined variations in the shape of the human ear according to age, sex and ethnic group with particular attention to ear prominence. Methods: 420 volunteers were recruited. Measurements included; head height and ...
    • Mortality and Edge-to-Edge Reachability are Decidable on Surfaces 

      de Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Tveretina, Olga (ACM Press, 2022-05-04)
      The mortality problem for a given dynamical system S consists of determining whether every trajectory of S eventually halts. In this work, we show that this problem is decidable for the class of piecewise constant derivative ...
    • The mortality and hospitalization rates associated with the long interdialytic gap in thrice-weekly hemodialysis patients 

      Fotheringham, James; Fogarty, Damian G; El Nahas, Meguid; Campbell, Michael J; Farrington, Ken (2015-09-30)
      Excess mortality and hospitalization have been identified after the 2-day gap in thrice-weekly hemodialysis patients compared with 1-day intervals, although findings vary internationally. Here we aimed to identify factors ...
    • Mortality and the Other 

      Milligan, Tony (2007)
      In this exploration of a broadly Heideggerian and a broadly Wittgensteinian view of the personal nature of mortality, I shall argue that (i) coming to grips with the personal nature of mortality requires a recognition of ...