Now showing items 22299-22318 of 23150

    • Views of nursing staff on the use of physical restraint 

      Lee, S.N.; Gray, R.; Gournay, K.; Wright, S.; Parr, A-M.; Sayer, J. (2003)
      A postal questionnaire survey was employed in regional secure and psychiatric intensive care units in England and Wales, in respect of mental health nurses' training in the use of physical restraint. The nurses' views were ...
    • VII Zw 403: H I structure in a blue compact dwarf galaxy 

      Simpson, Caroline E.; Hunter, Deidre A.; Nordgren, Tyler E.; Brinks, E.; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Ashley, Trisha; Lynds, Roger; McIntyre, Vince J.; O'Neil, Earl J.; Ostlin, Goran; Westpfahl, David J.; Wilcots, Eric M. (2011-09)
      We present optical (UBVJ), ultraviolet (FUV, NUV), and high-resolution atomic hydrogen (H I) observations of the nearby blue compact dwarf (BCD), VII Zw 403. We find that VII Zw 403 has a relatively high H I mass-to-light ...
    • Vintage Bit Cryptography 

      Christianson, B.; Shafarenko, A. (2009)
      We propose to use a Random High-Rate Binary (RHRB) stream for the purpose of key distribution. The idea is as follows. Assume availability of a high-rate (terabits per second) broadcaster sending random content. Members ...
    • Vintage bit cryptography. (Transcript of discussion) 

      Shafarenko, A. (2009)
      This may be a highly controversial talk, because this is an area where things are periodically rediscovered. But in the process of reinventing it, I think we’ve found a few interesting protocol issues, and a few interesting ...
    • Vinyl polymer-coated lorazepam particles for drug delivery to the airways 

      Traynor, M.J.; Zhao, Yanjun; Brown, Marc; Jones, Stuart A. (2011-05-30)
      A particle engineering method that adsorbs a microfine vinyl polymer coat to crystalline drug microparticles has been shown to be an effective way to control delivery. However, the means by which the functional performance ...
    • Violence against social workers 

      Littlechild, B (1995-03)
      This article examines issues of violence against social work staff in England and Wales. Although there is a good representation of work addressing how individuals can best try to cope for themselves when confronted with ...
    • Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings 

      National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Guideline Guideline Development Group (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NIHCE) Guideline, 2015-05-28)
      This guideline covers the short-term management of violence and aggression in adults (aged 18 and over), young people (aged 13 to 17) and children (aged 12 and under). It is relevant for mental health, health and community ...
    • Violent quenching : Molecular Gas Blown to 1000 km s -1 during a Major Merger 

      Geach, J. E.; Tremonti, C.; Diamond-Stanic, A. M.; Sell, P. H.; Kepley, A. A.; Coil, A. L.; Rudnick, G.; Hickox, R. C.; Moustakas, J.; Yang, Yujin (2018-08-23)
      We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of a massive () compact ( pc) merger remnant at z = 0.66 that is driving a 1000 km s -1 outflow of cool gas, with no observational trace of an active ...
    • VIRAC: The VVV Infrared Astrometric Catalogue 

      Smith, L. C.; Lucas, P. W.; Kurtev, R.; Smart, R.; Minniti, D.; Borissova, J.; Jones, H. R. A; Zhang, Z. H.; Marocco, F.; Peña, C. Contreras; Gromadzki, M.; Kuhn, M. A.; Drew, J. E.; Pinfield, D. J.; Bedin, L.R. (2018-02-21)
      We present VIRAC version 1, a near-infrared proper motion and parallax catalogue of the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey for 312 587 642 unique sources averaged across all overlapping pawprint and tile images ...
    • A virial theorem for rotating charged perfect fluids in general relativity 

      Georgiou, A. (2003)
      We obtain an exact form of the virial theorem in general relativity, which is sufficiently general to be applied to charged, conducting, rotating perfect fluids in electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The case of ...
    • Virtual and online learning during COVID-19: the experience of community children’s nursing students 

      Whiting, Mark; Whiting, Lisa; Roberts-Edema, Karen; Boyle, Caroline; Lane, Heather; Millar, Mark; Titchener, Theresa (2023-03-20)
      Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant changes in how education is delivered. For many University programmes this has included a move from face-to-face to virtual and on-line learning and teaching. ...
    • A virtual force interaction scheme for multi-robot environment monitoring 

      Ji, Kang; Zhang, Qian; Yuan, Zhi; Cheng, Hui; Yu, Dingli (2021-12-09)
      The autonomous multi-robot system is an emerging technology that has a wide range of potential applications, such as environmental monitoring, exploration of unknown area, battlefield surveillance, and search and rescue. ...
    • Virtual learning intervention to reduce bullying victimization in primary school : a controlled trial 

      Sapouna, Maria; Wolke, Dieter; Vannini, Natalie; Watson, Scott; Woods, Sarah; Schneider, Wolfgang; Enz, Sibylle; Hall, Lynne; Paiva, Ana; Andre, Elizabeth; Dautenhahn, K.; Aylett, Ruth (2010-01)
      Background: Anti-bullying interventions to date have shown limited success in reducing victimization and have rarely been evaluated using a controlled trial design. This study examined the effects of the FearNot! anti-bullying ...
    • The Virtual Parallax : Imaginations of Mthwakazi Nationalism - Online Discussions and Calls for Self-Determination 

      Mhlanga, Brilliant; Mpofu, Mandlenkosi (IGI Global Publishing, 2014-05)
    • The virtual peg-in-hole test 

      Gomes, G. T.; Amirabdollahian, Farshid; Johnson, G.R. (IOS Press, 2005)
      In order to identifying an optimum interface for use or control of assistive technology, objective quantification of a user's skill is necessary. By making use of new haptic and virtual reality technology, detailed information ...
    • A virtual reality exergame to engage adolescents in physical activity: Mixed methods study describing the formative intervention development process 

      Farič, Nusa; Smith, Lee; Potts, Henry; Newby, Katie; Steptoe, Andrew; Fisher, Abi (2021-02-04)
      Background: Early adolescence (13-17 years) is a critical developmental stage for physical activity promotion. Virtual reality (VR) exergaming is a promising intervention strategy to engage adolescents in physical activity. ...
    • Virtual reality for ambulance simulation environment 

      Halabi, Osama; Salahuddin, Tooba; Karkar, Abdel Ghani; Alinier, Guillaume (2022-04-12)
      Abstract: Simulations are beneficial in evaluating clinicians’ empirical competencies through practical skills, prioritizing, and decision-making as part of patient care scenarios generally run in a full-scale physical ...
    • Virtual Typography 

      Hillner, Matthias (2010-03-08)
    • Virtual Typography—A New Approach to Motion Graphics? 

      Hillner, Matthias (2009-04)
      In an image-saturated world, type design can have a hard time standing out. In this Feature, Matthias Hillner looks at the new ways of using transitional typography and motion graphics to transmit information. With various ...
    • Virtual visiting in intensive care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative descriptive study with ICU clinicians and non-ICU family team liaison members 

      Xyrichis, Andreas; Pattison, Natalie; Ramsay, Pam; Saha, Sian; Cook, Amelia; Metaxa, Victoria; Meyer, Joel; Rose, Louise (2022-04-29)
      Objective: To understand the experiences and perceived benefits of virtual visiting from the perspectives of intensive care unit (ICU)-experienced clinicians and non-ICU-experienced family liaison team members. Design: ...