Now showing items 9206-9225 of 24445

    • G-quadruplex formation of FXYD1 pre-mRNA indicates the possiblity of regulating expression of its protein product 

      Dhayan, Hansraj; Baydoun, A. R.; Kukol, A. (2014-10-15)
      G-quadruplexes are higher-order nucleic acid structures formed of square-planar arrangements of four guanine bases held together by Hoogsteen-type hydrogen bonds. Stacks of guanine tetrads are stabilised by intercalating ...
    • A G.984 GPON Exhibiting Multi-Wavelength Protocol Functionalities 

      Gliwan, A.; Kourtessis, P.; Senior, J. (2010)
      A Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) upstream-map frame- format enhancement has been developed to accommodate dynamic multi wavelength (DMW) transmission over splitter-based GPONs. Accordingly network functionality has ...
    • A G.984 GPON exhibiting multi-wavelength protocol functionalities 

      Gliwan, A.; Kourtessis, P.; Senior, J.M. (Springer Nature, 2010-01-01)
      A Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) upstream-map frame- format enhancement has been developed to accommodate dynamic multi wavelength (DMW) transmission over splitter-based GPONs. Accordingly network functionality has ...
    • G.F. Newman 

      Ridgman, Jeremy (Bruccoli Clark, 2005)
    • The G305 Star Forming Complex: a Panoramic View of the Environment and Star Formation 

      Hindson, Luke Paul (2012-11-20)
      This thesis presents molecular line and radio continuum observations of the giant molecular cloud (GMC) complex known as G305. The energy input from high-mass stars in the form of powerful winds and ionising radiation ...
    • The G305 star-forming complex : a wide-area radio survey of ultracompact H ii regions 

      Hindson, Luke; Thompson, M. A.; Urquhart, J.S.; Faimali, A.; Clark, J. S.; Davies, B. (2012-04)
      We present wide-area radio continuum 5.5 and 8.8 GHz (5.5 and 3.4 cm) Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the complex and rich massive star-forming region G305. The aim of this study is to perform an un-targeted ...
    • The G305 star-forming complex : embedded massive star formation discovered by Herschel Hi-GAL 

      Faimali, A.; Thompson, M.A.; Hindson, Luke; Urquhart, J.S.; Pestalozzi, M.; Carey, S.; Shenoy, S.; Veneziani, M.; Molinari, S.; Clark, J.S. (2012-10-11)
    • The G305 star-forming complex : radio continuum and molecular line observations 

      Hindson, Luke; Thompson, Mark; Urquhart, J.S.; Faimali, Alessandro; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Clark, J. S.; Davies, B. (2013-11-01)
      We present 109–115 GHz (3 mm) wide-field spectral line observations of 12CO, 13CO and C18O J = 1–0 molecular emission and 5.5 and 8.8 GHz (6 and 3 cm) radio continuum emission towards the high-mass star-forming complex ...
    • The G305 star-forming complex : the central star clusters Danks 1 and Danks 2 

      Davies, B.; Clark, J.S.; Trombley, C.; Figer, D. F.; Najarro, F.; Crowther, P.A.; Kudritzki, R.P.; Thompson, M.; Urquhart, J.S.; Hindson, Luke (2012)
      The G305 H ii complex (G305.4+0.1) is one of the most massive star-forming structures yet identified within the Galaxy. It is host to many massive stars at all stages of formation and evolution, from embedded molecular ...
    • The G305 star-forming complex : wide-area molecular mapping of NH3 and H2O masers 

      Hindson, Luke; Thompson, M.A.; Urquhart, J.S.; Clark, J.S.; Davies, B. (2010)
      We present wide-area radio (12 mm) Mopra telescope observations of the complex and rich massive star-forming region G305. Our goals are to determine the reservoir for star formation within G305 using NH3 to trace the dense ...
    • Ga(III) complexes-The effect of metal coordination on potential systemic absorption after topical exposure 

      Staff, Kirsten; Brown, Marc; Chilcott, Robert; Hider, Robert C.; Jones, Stuart A.; Kong, Xiao L. (2011-05-10)
      The handling of elemental gallium is not thought to be harmful, but this assumption does not consider metal coordination which readily occurs in physiological fluids. The aim of this work was to determine Ga(III) coordination ...
    • GA-NIFS: A massive black hole in a low-metallicity AGN at z ∼ 5.55 revealed by JWST/NIRSpec IFS 

      Übler, Hannah; Maiolino, Roberto; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Pérez-González, Pablo G.; Curti, Mirko; Perna, Michele; Arribas, Santiago; Charlot, Stéphane; Marshall, Madeline A.; D'Eugenio, Francesco; Scholtz, Jan; Bunker, Andrew; Carniani, Stefano; Ferruit, Pierre; Jakobsen, Peter; Rix, Hans-Walter; Pino, Bruno Rodríguez Del; Willott, Chris J.; Böker, Torsten; Cresci, Giovanni; Jones, Gareth C.; Kumari, Nimisha; Rawle, Tim (2023-09-18)
      We present rest-frame optical data of the compact z=5.55 galaxy GS_3073 obtained using the integral field spectroscopy mode of the Near-InfraRed Spectrograph on board the James Webb Space Telescope. The galaxybs prominent ...
    • GA-NIFS: Black hole and host galaxy properties of two z-6.8 quasars from the NIRSpec IFU 

      Marshall, Madeline A.; Perna, Michele; Willott, Chris J.; Maiolino, Roberto; Scholtz, Jan; Übler, Hannah; Carniani, Stefano; Arribas, Santiago; Lützgendorf, Nora; Bunker, Andrew J.; Charlot, Stephane; Ferruit, Pierre; Jakobsen, Peter; Rix, Hans-Walter; Pino, Bruno Rodríguez Del; Böker, Torsten; Cameron, Alex J.; Cresci, Giovanni; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Jones, Gareth C.; Kumari, Nimisha; Pérez-González, Pablo G.; Reed, Sophie L. (2023-10-20)
      Aims. Integral field spectroscopy (IFS) with JWST NIRSpec will significantly improve our understanding of the first quasars, by providing spatially resolved, infrared spectroscopic capabilities that cover key rest-frame ...
    • Gaeumannomyces graminis, the take-all fungus and its relatives 

      Freeman, J.; Ward, Elaine (2004-07)
      Take-all, caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, is the most important root disease of wheat worldwide. Many years of intensive research, reflected by the large volume of literature on take-all, has led ...
    • The Gaia -ESO Survey : Empirical determination of the precision of stellar radial velocities and projected rotation velocities 

      Jackson, R. J.; Jeffries, R.D.; Lewis, J.; Koposov, S. E.; Sacco, G. G.; Randich, S.; Gilmore, G.; Asplund, M.; Binney, J.; Bonifacio, P.; Drew, J.E.; Feltzing, S.; Ferguson, A.M.N.; Micela, G.; Neguerela, I.; Prusti, T.; Rix, H-W.; Vallenari, A.; Alfaro, E. J.; Allende Prieto, C.; Babusiaux, C.; Bensby, T.; Blomme, R.; Bragaglia, A.; Flaccomio, E.; Francois, P.; Hambly, N.; Irwin, M.; Korn, A.J.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Pancino, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Smiljanic, R.; Van Eck, S.; Walton, N.; Bayo, A.; Bergemann, M.; Carraro, G.; Costado, M. T.; Damiani, F.; Edvardsson, B.; Franciosini, E.; Frasca, A.; Heiter, U.; Hill, V.; Hourihane, A.; Jofré, P.; Lardo, C.; De Laverny, P.; Lind, K.; Magrini, L.; Marconi, G.; Martayan, C.; Masseron, T.; Monaco, L.; Morbidelli, L.; Prisinzano, L.; Sbordone, L.; Sousa, S.G.; Worley, C. C.; Zaggia, S. (2015-08)
      Context. The Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) is a large public spectroscopic survey at the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope. Aims. A key aim is to provide precise radial velocities (RVs) and projected equatorial ...
    • Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 gravitational lens systems – VIII. A radio census of lensed systems 

      Dobie, Dougal; Sluse, Dominique; Deller, Adam; Murphy, Tara; Krone-Martins, Alberto; Stern, Daniel; Wang, Ziteng; Wang, Yuanming; Bœhm, Céline; Djorgovski, S G; Galluccio, Laurent; Delchambre, Ludovic; Connor, Thomas; den Brok, Jakob Sebastiaan; Do Vale Cunha, Pedro H; Ducourant, Christine; Graham, Matthew J; Jalan, Priyanka; Klioner, Sergei A; Klüter, Jonas; Mignard, François; Negi, Vibhore; Petit, Quentin; Scarano Sergio, Jr; Slezak, Eric; Surdej, Jean; Teixeira, Ramachrisna; Walton, Dominic J; Wambsganss, Joachim (2024-03-01)
      We present radio observations of 24 confirmed and candidate strongly lensed quasars identified by the Gaia Gravitational Lenses working group. We detect radio emission from eight systems in 5.5 and 9 GHz observations with ...
    • Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 Gravitational Lens Systems. VII. XMM-Newton Observations of Lensed Quasars 

      Connor, Thomas; Stern, Daniel; Krone-Martins, Alberto; Djorgovski, S. G.; Graham, Matthew J.; Walton, Dominic J.; Delchambre, Ludovic; Ducourant, Christine; Teixeira, Ramachrisna; Campion, Jean-François Le; Brok, Jakob Sebastian den; Dobie, Dougal; Galluccio, Laurent; Jalan, Priyanka; Klioner, Sergei A.; Klüter, Jonas; Mahabal, Ashish A.; Negi, Vibhore; Nierenberg, Anna; Petit, Quentin; Jr, Sergio Scarano; Slezak, Eric; Sluse, Dominique; Spíndola-Duarte, Carolina; Surdej, Jean; Wambsganss, Joachim (2022-03-03)
      We present XMM-Newton X-ray observations of nine confirmed lensed quasars at 1 ≲ z ≲ 3 identified by the Gaia Gravitational Lens program. Eight systems are strongly detected, with 0.3-8.0 keV fluxes F 0.3-8.0 ≳ 5 ×10-14 ...
    • The Gaia spectrophotometric standard stars survey. I. Preliminary results 

      Pancino, E.; Altavilla, G.; Marinoni, S.; Cocozza, G.; Carrasco, J. M.; Bellazzini, M.; Bragaglia, A.; Federici, L.; Rossetti, E.; Cacciari, C.; Nunez, L. Balaguer; Castro, A.; Figueras, F.; Pecci, F. Fusi; Galleti, S.; Gebran, M.; Jordi, C.; Lardo, C.; Masana, E.; Monguio Montells, Maria; Montegriffo, P.; Ragaini, S.; Schuster, W.; Trager, S.; Vilardell, F.; Voss, H. (2012-11-01)
      We describe two ground based observing campaigns aimed at building a grid of approximately 200 spectrophotometric standard stars (SPSS), with an internal ~1% precision and tied to Vega within ~3%, for the absolute flux ...
    • The Gaia Ultra-Cool Dwarf Sample -- II : Structure at the end of the main sequence 

      Smart, R. L.; Marocco, F.; Sarro, L. M.; Barrado, D.; Beamin, J. C.; Caballero, J. A.; Jones, H. R. A. (2019-05-01)
      We identify and investigate known late M, L, and T dwarfs in the Gaia second data release. This sample is being used as a training set in the Gaia data processing chain of the ultracool dwarfs work package. We find 695 ...
    • The Gaia Ultracool Dwarf Sample. I. Known L and T dwarfs and the first Gaia data release 

      Smart, R. L.; Marocco, F.; Caballero, J. A.; Jones, H. R. A.; Barrado, David; Beamin, J.C.; Pinfield, D. J.; Sarro, L. M. (2017-07-01)
      We identify and investigate known ultracool stars and brown dwarfs that are being observed or indirectly constrained by the Gaia mission. These objects will be the core of the Gaia ultracool dwarf sample composed of all ...