Now showing items 13693-13712 of 24467

    • Mass measurements of neutron-deficient Y, Zr, and Nb isotopes and their impact on rp and νp nucleosynthesis processes 

      Xing, Y. M.; Li, K. A.; Zhang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. H.; Wang, M.; Litvinov, Yu A.; Blaum, K.; Wanajo, S.; Kubono, S.; Martínez-Pinedo, G.; Sieverding, A.; Chen, R. J.; Shuai, P.; Fu, C. Y.; Yan, X. L.; Huang, W. J.; Xu, X.; Tang, X. D.; Xu, H. S.; Bao, T.; Chen, X. C.; Gao, B. S.; He, J. J.; Lam, Y. H.; Li, H. F.; Liu, J. H.; Ma, X. W.; Mao, R. S.; Si, M.; Sun, M. Z.; Tu, X. L.; Wang, Q.; Yang, J. C.; Yuan, Y. J.; Zeng, Q.; Zhang, P.; Zhou, X.; Zhan, W. L.; Litvinov, S.; Audi, G.; Uesaka, T.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Yamaguchi, T.; Ozawa, A.; Fröhlich, C.; Rauscher, T.; Thielemann, F. K.; Sun, B. H.; Sun, Y.; Dai, A. C.; Xu, F. R. (2018-06-10)
      Using isochronous mass spectrometry at the experimental storage ring CSRe in Lanzhou, the masses of 82Zr and 84Nb were measured for the first time with an uncertainty of ∼10 keV, and the masses of 79Y, 81Zr, and 83Nb were ...
    • Mass Measurements of Very Neutron-Deficient Mo and Tc Isotopes and Their Impact on rp Process Nucleosynthesis 

      Haettner, E.; Ackermann, D.; Audi, G.; Blaum, K.; Block, M.; Eliseev, S.; Fleckenstein, T.; Herfurth, F.; Hessberger, F. P.; Hofmann, S.; Ketelaer, J.; Ketter, J.; Kluge, H. -J.; Marx, G.; Mazzocco, M.; Novikov, Yu. N.; Plass, W. R.; Rahaman, S.; Rauscher, T.; Rodriguez, D.; Schatz, H.; Scheidenberger, C.; Schweikhard, L.; Sun, B.; Thirolf, P. G.; Vorobjev, G.; Wang, M.; Weber, C. (2011-03-21)
      The masses of ten proton-rich nuclides, including the N = Z + 1 nuclides (85)Mo and (87)Tc, were measured with the Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP. Compared to the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2003 a systematic shift of ...
    • The Mass of the sdB Primary of the Binary HS 2333+3927 

      Heber, U.; Drechsel, H.; Karl, C.; Ostensen, R.; Folkes, S.; Napiwotzki, R.; Altmann, M.; Cordes, O.; Solheim, J.E.; Voss, B.; Koester, D. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005)
      Short period sdB binaries with cool companions are crucial to understand pre-CV evolution, because they will evolve into cataclysmic variables, when the sdB will have left the extended horizontal branch. Recently we ...
    • Mass-information : Mephedrone, myths, and the new generation of legal highs 

      Davey, Zoe; Corazza, Ornella; Schifano, Fabrizio; Deluca, Paolo (2010)
      The market in licit recreational drugs is continuing to grow, both in the UK and elsewhere, and the internet has been acknowledged as a key factor in enabling this rapid expansion over the last few years. This is particularly ...
    • The mass-metallicity relation at z 1.4 revealed with Subaru/FMOS 

      Yabe, Kiyoto; Ohta, Kouji; Iwamuro, Fumihide; Akiyama, Masayuki; Tamura, Naoyuki; Yuma, Suraphong; Kimura, Masahiko; Takato, Naruhisa; Moritani, Yuki; Sumiyoshi, Masanao; Maihara, Toshinori; Silverman, John; Dalton, Gavin; Lewis, Ian; Bonfield, D.; Lee, Hanshin; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Macaulay, Edward; Clarke, Fraser (2014-02-01)
      We present a stellar mass-metallicity relation at z ~ 1.4 with an unprecedentedly large sample of ~340 star-forming galaxies obtained with FibreMulti-Object Spectrograph (FMOS) on the Subaru Telescope. We observed K-band ...
    • Masses and Other Parameters of the PostCommon Envelope Binary BE Ursae Majoris 

      Ferguson, D.H.; Liebert, J.; Haas, S.; Napiwotzki, R.; James, T.A. (1999)
      The binary star BE Ursae Majoris is recently emerged from the common envelope phase; indeed, the hot sdO/DAO component is the central star of the associated planetary nebula. As such, BE UMa represents an important test ...
    • Masses, Oxygen and Carbon abundances in CHEPS dwarf stars 

      Pavlenko, Y. V.; Kaminsky, B. M.; Jenkins, J. S.; Ivanyuk, O. M.; Jones, H. R. A.; Lyubchik, Yu P. (2019-01-15)
      Context. We report the results from the determination of stellar masses, carbon, and oxygen abundances in the atmospheres of 107 stars from the Calan-Hertfordshire Extrasolar Planet Search (CHEPS) programme. Our stars are ...
    • Masses, radii, and orbits of small Kepler planets : The transition from gaseous to rocky planets 

      Marcy, Geoffrey W.; Isaacson, Howard; Howard, Andrew W.; Rowe, Jason F.; Jenkins, Jon M.; Bryson, Stephen T.; Latham, David W.; Howell, Steve B.; Gautier, Thomas N.; Batalha, Natalie M.; Rogers, Leslie; Ciardi, David; Fischer, Debra A.; Gilliland, Ronald L.; Kjeldsen, H.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Huber, Daniel; Chaplin, William J.; Basu, S.; Buchhave, Lars A.; Quinn, Samuel N.; Borucki, William J.; Koch, David G.; Hunter, Roger; Caldwell, Douglas A.; Van Cleve, Jeffrey; Kolbl, Rea; Weiss, Lauren M.; Petigura, Erik; Seager, Sara; Morton, Timothy; Johnson, John Asher; Ballard, Sarah; Burke, Chris; Cochran, William D.; Endl, Michael; MacQueen, Phillip; Everett, Mark E.; Lissauer, Jack J.; Ford, Eric B.; Torres, Guillermo; Fressin, Francois; Brown, Timothy M.; Steffen, Jason H.; Charbonneau, David; Basri, G.; Sasselov, Dimitar D.; Winn, Joshua; Sanchis-Ojeda, Roberto; Christiansen, Jessie; Adams, Elisabeth; Henze, Christopher; Dupree, Andrea; Fabrycky, Daniel C.; Fortney, Jonathan J.; Tarter, Jill; Holman, Matthew J.; Tenenbaum, Peter; Shporer, Avi; Lucas, P.W.; Welsh, William F.; Orosz, Jerome A.; Bedding, T.R.; Campante, T.L.; Davies, G.R.; Elsworth, Y.; Handberg, R.; Hekker, S.; Karoff, C.; Kawaler, S.D.; Lund, M.N.; Lundkvist, M.; Metcalfe, T.S.; Miglio, A.; Silva Aguirre, V.; Stello, D.; White, T.R.; Boss, Alan; DeVore, E.; Gould, Alan; Prsa, A.; Agol, Eric; Barclay, Thomas; Coughlin, Jeff; Brugamyer, Erik; Mullally, Fergal; Quintana, Elisa V.; Still, Martin; Thompson, Susan E.; Morrison, David; Twicken, Joseph D.; Desert, Jean-Michel; Carter, Josh; Crepp, Justin R.; Hebrard, Guillaume; Santerne, Alexandre; Moutou, Claire; Sobeck, Charlie; Hudgins, Douglas; Haas, Michael R.; Robertson, Paul; Lillo-Box, Jorge; Barrado, David (2014-01-13)
      We report on the masses, sizes, and orbits of the planets orbiting 22 Kepler stars. There are 49 planet candidates around these stars, including 42 detected through transits and 7 revealed by precise Doppler measurements ...
    • Massive compact galaxies with high-velocity outflows : Morphological analysis and constraints on AGN activity 

      Sell, P. H.; Tremonti, C. A.; Hickox, R. C.; Diamond-Stanic, A. M.; Moustakas, J.; Coil, A.; Williams, A.; Rudnick, G.; Robaina, A.; Geach, J. E.; Heinz, S.; Wilcots, E. M. (2014-07-11)
      We investigate the process of rapid star formation quenching in a sample of 12 massive galaxies at intermediate redshift (z ~ 0.6) that host high-velocity ionized gas outflows (v > 1000 km s-1). We conclude that these fast ...
    • Massive outflows associated with ATLASGAL clumps 

      Yang, Aiyuan; Thompson, Mark; Urquhart, James; Tian, Wenwu (2018-03-01)
      We have undertaken the largest survey for outflows within the Galactic plane using simultaneously observed 13COand C18O data. Out of a total of 919 ATLASGAL clumps, 325 have data suitable to identify outflows, and 225(69% ...
    • Massive spheroids can form in single minor mergers 

      Jackson, R. A.; Martin, G.; Kaviraj, S.; Laigle, C.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Dubois, Y.; Pichon, C. (2019-11-01)
      Understanding how rotationally supported discs transform into dispersion-dominated spheroids is central to our comprehension of galaxy evolution. Morphological transformation is largely merger-driven. While major mergers ...
    • Massive star cluster formation and evolution in tidal dwarf galaxies 

      Fensch, Jeremy; Duc, Pierre-Alain; Boquien, Mederic; Elmegreen, Debra M.; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Bournaud, Frederic; Brinks, Elias; Grijs, Richard de; Lelli, Federico; Renaud, Florent; Weilbacher, Peter M. (2019-07-12)
      The formation of globular clusters remains an open debate. Dwarf starburst galaxies are efficient at forming young massive clusters with similar masses as globular clusters and may hold the key to understanding their ...
    • Massive star evolution : nucleosynthesis and nuclear reaction rate uncertainties 

      Heger, A.; Woosley, S.E.; Rauscher, T.; Hoffman, R. D.; Boyes, M.M. (2002-07)
      We present a nucleosynthesis calculation of a 25 M-circle dot star of solar composition that includes all relevant isotopes up to polonium. We follow the stellar evolution from hydrogen burning till iron core collapse and ...
    • Massive star formation in the central regions of spiral galaxies 

      Knapen, J.; Mazzuca, L.M.; Boker, T.; Shlosman, I.; Colina, L.; Combes, F.; Axon, D.J. (2006-03)
    • The massive star population of Cygnus OB2 

      Wright, Nick; Drew, J.E.; Mohr-Smith, M. (2015-05-01)
      We have compiled a significantly updated and comprehensive census of massive stars in the nearby Cygnus OB2 association by gathering and homogenizing data from across the literature. The census contains 169 primary OB ...
    • Massive star-formation rates of y-ray burst host galaxies: An unobscured view in X-rays 

      Watson, D.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Pedersen, K.; Patel, S.K.; Kouveliotou, C. (2004)
    • The massive star-forming region Cygnus OB2. I : Chandra catalog of association members 

      Wright, N.J.; Drake, J.J. (2009)
      We present a catalog of 1696 X-ray sources detected in the massive star-forming region (SFR) Cygnus OB2 and extracted from two archival Chandra observations of the center of the region. A deep source extraction routine, ...
    • The massive star-forming region Cygnus OB2. II - integrated stellar properties and the star formation history 

      Wright, Nick; Drake, J.; Drew, J.E.; Vink, J.S. (2010)
      Cygnus OB2 is the nearest example of a massive star-forming region (SFR), containing over 50 O-type stars and hundreds of B-type stars. We have analyzed the properties of young stars in two fields in Cyg OB2 using the ...
    • Massive stars formed in atomic hydrogen reservoirs : HI observations of gamma-ray burst host galaxies 

      Michałowski, Michał J.; Gentile, G.; Hjorth, J.; Krumholz, M. R.; Tanvir, N. R.; Kamphuis, P.; Burlon, D.; Baes, M.; Basa, S.; Berta, S.; Ceron, J. M. Castro; Crosby, D.; D'Elia, V.; Elliott, J.; Greiner, J.; Hunt, L. K.; Klose, S.; Koprowski, M. P.; Floc'h, E. Le; Malesani, D.; Murphy, T.; Guelbenzu, A. Nicuesa; Palazzi, E.; Rasmussen, J.; Rossi, A.; Savaglio, S.; Schady, P.; Sollerman, J.; Postigo, A. de Ugarte; Watson, D.; Werf, P. van der; Vergani, S. D.; Xu, D. (2015-08-13)
      Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), among the most energetic events in the Universe, are explosions of massive and short-lived stars, so they pinpoint locations of recent star formation. However, several GRB host galaxies have ...
    • Massive stars in massive clusters - IV. Disruption of clouds by momentum-driven winds 

      Ngoumou, J.; Ercolano, B.; Bonnell, I.~A.; Dale, James (2013-12-21)
      We examine the effect of momentum-driven OB-star stellar winds on a parameter space of simulated turbulent giant molecular clouds using smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations. By comparison with identical simulations ...