Now showing items 14172-14191 of 24473

    • Mid-infrared polarimetry and magnetic fields : an observing strategy 

      Aitken, D.; Hough, J.; Roche, P.F.; Smith, C.H.; Wright, C.M. (2004)
      Linear polarimetry in the mid-infrared can be used to obtain magnetic field directions in astronomical sources. However, since the polarization can arise from emission and/or absorption from aligned grains, care is needed ...
    • Mid-infrared spectroscopy of candidate AGN-dominated submillimeter galaxies 

      Coppin, Kristen; Pope, A.; Menendez-Delmestre, K.; Alexander, D. M.; Dunlop, J. S.; Egami, E.; Gabor, J.; Ibar, Edo; Ivison, R. J.; Austermann, J. E.; Blain, A. W.; Chapman, S. C.; Clements, D. L.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Farrah, D.; Hughes, D. H.; Mortier, A. M. J.; Page, M. J.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Scott, D.; Simpson, C.; Smail, Ian; Swinbank, A. M.; Vaccari, M.; Yun, M. S. (2010)
      Spitzer spectroscopy has revealed that ~80% of submm galaxies (SMGs) are starburst (SB) dominated in the mid-infrared. Here we focus on the remaining ~20% that show signs of harboring powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN). ...
    • Mid-infrared, spatially resolved spectroscopy of the nucleus of the Circinus galaxy 

      Roche, P.F.; Packham, C.; Telesco, C.M.; Radomski, J.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Aitken, D.; Colina, L.; Perlman, E. (2006)
    • Mid-IR spectra of type Ia SN 2014J in M82 spanning the first 4 months 

      Telesco, C.M.; Hoflich, P.; Li, D.; Alvarez, C.; Wright, C.M.; Barnes, P.J.; Fernandez, S.; Hough, James; Levenson, N.A.; Marinas, N.; Packham, C.; Pantin, E.; Rebolo, R.; Roche, P.; Zhang, H. (2015-01-10)
      We present a time series of 8-13 μm spectra and photometry for SN 2014J obtained 57, 81, 108, and 137 days after the explosion using CanariCam on the Gran Telescopio Canarias. This is the first mid-IR time series ever ...
    • Mid-Victorian Britain 

      Garwood, Christine (Shire, 2011)
      The middle years of Queen Victoria's reign saw huge social changes, with the rise of the middle classes, the introduction of compulsory education and the growth of the labour movement. The Great Exhibition brought a taste ...
    • A Middle Manager's Response to Strategic Directives on Integrated Care in an NHS Organisation: Developing a Different Way of Thinking about Prejudice 

      Yung, Fiona Yuet-Ching (University of Hertfordshire, 2013-07-29)
      This thesis examines a middle manager’s response to strategic directives on integrated care in a National Health Service (NHS) organisation and the development of an awareness of prejudice that acknowledges its relationship ...
    • Middle Pleistocene Till Lithostratigraphy in South Bedfordshire and the Hitchin Gap 

      Brownsell, Wendy Joan (2009-08-05)
      A revised lithostratigraphy and glacial history of north Hertfordshire and south Bedfordshire is based upon detailed textural data in the clay to fine gravel fraction, carbonate content, small clast lithological data and ...
    • 'Middle-England diocese, Middle-England Catholicism' : the development of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham 1850-1915 

      Foster, Graham Paul (University of Hertfordshire, 2004)
      The thesis aims to chart the development of the Diocese of Nottingham from 1850 to 1915, and through a comparison with the historiography of the period, to show how far it correlates with the accepted norms of nineteenth ...
    • Midpoint ratings on personal constructs : constriction or the middle way? 

      Winter, David; Bell, R.C.; Watson, Scott (2010)
      Midpoint ratings of elements on personal constructs have been given various interpretations, and the placement of the ideal self at the midpoint of a construct has been viewed as violating Kelly's (1955) dichotomy and ...
    • Midwives' perception of intrapartum risk in England, Belgium and France 

      Mead, M.; Bogaerts, A.; Reyns, M.; Poutas, M.; Hel, S. (2006-11)
    • Midwives' perception of the intrapartum risk of healthy nulliparae in spontaneous labour in the Flanders, Belgium 

      Mead, M.; Bogaerts, A.; Reyns, M. (2007)
      To explore midwives perception of intrapartum risk for healthy nulliparous women in spontaneous labour at term of a healthy singleton pregnancy, in the Belgian Flanders, and compare these results with those of a previous ...
    • MIGHTEE: Are giant radio galaxies more common than we thought? 

      Delhaize, J.; Heywood, I.; Prescott, M.; Jarvis, M. J.; Delvecchio, I.; Whittam, I. H.; White, S. V.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Hale, C. L.; Afonso, J.; Ao, Y.; Brienza, M.; Brueggen, M.; Collier, J. D.; Daddi, E.; Glowacki, M.; Maddox, N.; Morabito, L. K.; Prandoni, I.; Randriamanakoto, Z.; Sekhar, S.; An, Fangxia; Adams, N. J.; Blyth, S.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Leeuw, L.; Marchetti, L.; Randriamampandry, S. M.; Thorat, K.; Seymour, N.; Smirnov, O.; Taylor, A. R.; Tasse, C.; Vaccari, M. (2020-12-14)
      We report the discovery of two new giant radio galaxies (GRGs) using the MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration (MIGHTEE) survey. Both GRGs were found within a 1 deg^2 region inside the COSMOS field. ...
    • MIGHTEE: the nature of the radio-loud AGN population 

      Whittam, I. H.; Jarvis, M. J.; Hale, C. L.; Prescott, M.; Morabito, L. K.; Heywood, I.; Adams, N. J.; Afonso, J.; An, Fangxia; Ao, Y.; Bowler, R. A.; Collier, J. D.; Deane, R. P.; Delhaize, J.; Frank, B.; Glowacki, M.; Hatfield, P. W.; Maddox, N.; Marchetti, L.; Matthews, A. M.; Prandoni, I.; Randriamampandry, S.; Randriamanakoto, Z.; Smith, D. J. B.; Taylor, A. R.; Thomas, N. L.; Vaccari, M. (2022-10-30)
      We study the nature of the faint radio source population detected in the MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration (MIGHTEE) Early Science data in the COSMOS field, focusing on the properties of the ...
    • MIGHTEE: total intensity radio continuum imaging and the COSMOS / XMM-LSS Early Science fields 

      Heywood, I.; Jarvis, M. J.; Hale, C. L.; Whittam, I. H.; Bester, H. L.; Hugo, B.; Kenyon, J. S.; Prescott, M.; Smirnov, O. M.; Tasse, C.; Afonso, J. M.; Best, P. N.; Collier, J. D.; Deane, R. P.; Frank, B. S.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Knowles, K.; Maddox, N.; Murphy, E. J.; Prandoni, I.; Randriamampandry, S. M.; Santos, M. G.; Sekhar, S.; Tabatabaei, F.; Taylor, A. R.; Thorat, K. (2021-10-21)
      MIGHTEE is a galaxy evolution survey using simultaneous radio continuum, spectro-polarimetry, and spectral line observations from the South African MeerKAT telescope. When complete, the survey will image $\sim$20 deg$^{2}$ ...
    • Migrant and Minority Learning Needs in the Communications Industry : Final report 

      Hardy, Jane; Calveley, Moira; Shelley, Steven (University of Hertfordshire, 2009-11)
      This research was commissioned to examine the trade union learning needs of migrant workers in the communications industry. The key research questions focus on how far this learning meets the needs of migrant workers, ...
    • Migration and fusion of tactile sensation - premorbid susceptibility to allochiria, neglect and extinction? 

      Marcel, A.J.; Postma, P.; Gillmeister, H.; Cox, S.; Rorden, C.; Nimmo-Smith, I.; Mackintosh, B. (2004)
      Migration of tactile sensation was found to occur very frequently in about 25% of normal people (High Error subjects) and very infrequently in others. When synchronous stimuli touched the two hands, if the unattended ...
    • Migration of Iranian Women to the UK: Overview of Two Generations 

      Khodaviren, Maryam (2015-08-19)
      This research investigates the migration of Iranian women on two different periods of migration post Islamic Revolution of 1979. This research centres on two periods: the post revolution migrants second phase, who migrated ...
    • Migration, migrant workers and capitalism 

      Hardy, Jane (2009)
      Consider these two scenarios. The first is in Ireland in December 2005 when 100,000 Irish, Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian workers demonstrated together against attempts by bosses to recruit migrant workers on worse pay and ...